selected terms: 2,761 page 17 of 28

1601. HIV antibody positive
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0920548) =Finding
1651. HLA C antigen
[Class I human histocompatibility (HLA) antigens encoded by a small cluster of structural genes at the C locus on chromosome 6. They have significantly lower immunogenicity than the HLA-A and -B determinants and are therefore of minor importance in donor/recipient crossmatching. Their primary role is their high-risk association with certain disease manifestations (e.g., spondylarthritis, psoriasis, multiple myeloma). ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0019751) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
1602. HIV antigen positive
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0920549) =Finding
1652. HLA Class I Histocompatibility Antigen, A-2 Alpha Chain
[Encoded by human HLA-A (A2 allele) Gene (HLA Family), HLA-A2 Antigen is a 365-aa 41-kD class I alpha heavy chain glycoprotein heterodimerized with 11.6-kD beta-2 microglobulin. HLA-A protein organization includes a signal peptide, extracellular alpha1, 2, and 3 domains (90-aa each), a transmembrane region, and a cytoplasmic tail. Polymorphic alpha1 and 2 domains determine peptide binding specificity. Ig-like alpha3 mediates CD8 binding on cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. In the immune response, HLA antigens mediate antigen presentation to TCR. HLA-A2 subtypes are associated with decreased risk of HIV-1 infection and increased frequency of early-onset Alzheimer disease. (from LocusLink, Swiss-Prot, OMIM, and NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0019733) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0476681) =Finding
1653. HLA Class II Histocompatibility Antigen DRB
[HLA class II DR beta chain proteins (26-28 kD) form heterodimers with alpha (DRA) chains, both anchored in the membrane. Expressed in antigen presenting cells (B lymphocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages), alpha/beta heterodimers present peptides derived from extracellular proteins. Hundreds of DRB alleles have been described and typing for these polymorphisms is done for transplantation. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333901) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
1604. HIV diagnosis
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0920550) =Diagnostic Procedure
1654. HLA Class II Histocompatibility Antigen, DP(W4) Beta Chain
[Major Histocompatibility Complex, Class II, DP Beta 1 is encoded by the HLA-DPB1 gene. HLA-DPB, an HLA class II beta chain paralogue, plays a central role in the immune system by presenting peptides derived from extracellular proteins. Class II molecules are expressed in antigen presenting cells (APC: B lymphocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages). HLA-DPB is a heterodimer consisting of an alpha (DPA) and a beta chain (DPB), both anchored in the membrane. The beta chain is approximately 26-28 kDa and its gene contains 6 exons. Exon one encodes the leader peptide, exons 2 and 3 encode the two extracellular domains, exon 4 encodes the transmembrane domain and exon 5 encodes the cytoplasmic tail. Within the HLA-DPB molecule both the alpha chain and the beta chain contain the polymorphisms specifying the peptide binding specificities, resulting in up to 4 different molecules. (from LocusLink) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0122007) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
1605. HIV encephalitis
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0276548) =Disease or Syndrome
1655. HLA D antigen
[Human immune-response or Class II antigens found mainly, but not exclusively, on B-lymphocytes and produced from genes of the HLA-D locus. They are extremely polymorphic families of glycopeptides, each consisting of two chains, alpha and beta. This group of antigens includes the -DR, -DQ and -DP designations, of which HLA-DR is most studied; some of these glycoproteins are associated with certain diseases, possibly of immune etiology. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0019754) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
1606. HIV envelope protein
[general heading term for glycoproteins encoded by HIV envelope gene (env). ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0596709) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor =virus antigen;
Viral Protein =gp120;
HIV envelope protein gp41;
1656. HLA DP antigen
[A group of the D-related HLA antigens (human) found to differ from the DR antigens in genetic locus and therefore inheritance. These antigens are polymorphic glycoproteins comprising alpha and beta chains and are found on lymphoid and other cells, often associated with certain diseases. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0019759) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
1607. HIV envelope protein gp41
[transmembrane glycoprotein encoded by HIV envelope gene (env) with a molecular weight of 41,000 daltons; anchors gp120 to the viral particle. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0019692) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance =HIV envelope protein;
1657. HLA DQ antigen
[Polymorphic glycoproteins which are expressed primarily in lymphoid cells and function to present antigens for CD4+ T lymphocytes. Certain HLA-DQ protein variants are associated with susceptibility to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and several autoimmune diseases. ( NCI )] (UMLS (CSP) C0019761) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
1608. HIV Infection
[any state of infection accompanied by evidence of HIV in the body (positive test for HIV genome, cDNA, proteins, antigens, or antibodies); may be medically asymptomatic or symptomatic; use AIDS when appropriate. ( CSP )] (UMLS (NCI) C0019693) =Disease or Syndrome ;
Retroviridae disease;
Disease (VD), venereal;
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Viral;
Lentivirus disease;
=Acquired Immune Deficiency;
AIDS/HIV neuropathy;
Acquired Immune Deficiency;
AIDS Dementia;
AIDS related complex;
antibody positive AIDS test;
AIDS-Associated Nephropathy;
AIDS Associated Opportunistic Infection;
HIV Enteropathy;
AIDS wasting syndrome;
AIDS Arteritis, Central Nervous System
1658. HLA DR antigen
[Encoded by multiple HLA-DRA and HLA-DRB genes in a complex variable 5 cM region of MHC between HLA-B and -D, HLA-DR Antigens are Class II histocompatibility transmembrane glycoprotein heterodimers of alpha (heavy, 35-kD) and beta (light, 27-kD) chains. Located predominantly on B cells and macrophages, HLA-DR antigens function in antigen presentation to regulatory T cells in the immune response and in self/nonself discrimination. Invariant alpha and polymorphic beta chains have glycosylated N-termini, hydrophobic membrane regions, and hydrophilic C-termini. The heterodimer consists of 4 extracellular domains; invariant alpha-1, polymorphic N-terminal beta-1, and conserved Ig-like alpha-2 and beta-2. Alpha-1 and alpha-2 contain disulfide loops. Beta-1 contains 2 small variable regions. Alpha sequences have relatively simple structure; beta chains carry the major polymorphic determinants. ( NCI )] (UMLS (CSP) C0019764) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
1609. HIV Leukoencephalopathy
(UMLS (NCI) C0338422) =Disease or Syndrome
1659. HLA G antigen
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0082920) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor ;
1610. HIV neuropathy
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0343757) =Disease or Syndrome
1660. HLA gene
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0599797) =Gene or Genome ;
1611. HIV p24 Antigen
[HIV-p24 antigen, an important core protein of the human immunodeficiency virus, is encoded by the gag gene. This protein can be detected in serum either in its free form or bound by anti-p24 antibody. Individuals who are HIV-seropositive elicit a significant immune response to p24. Thus, detection of p24 antibodies by ELISA or Western analysis is a screening method utilized to determine the presence of HIV. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0085219) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Pharmacologic Substance; Immunologic Factor
1661. HLA linkage
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0599824) =Natural Phenomenon or Process ;
1612. HIV protease inhibitor
[Inhibitors of HIV PROTEASE, an enzyme required for production of proteins needed for viral assembly. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0162714) =Pharmacologic Substance =protease inhibitor;
1662. HLA Matched
(UMLS (HL7) C1548978) =Idea or Concept =Blood Product Processing Requirements;
1613. HIV receptor
[Cellular receptors that bind the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. Included are CD4 ANTIGENS, found on T4 lymphocytes, and monocytes/macrophages, which bind to the HIV ENVELOPE PROTEIN GP120. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0034816) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor; Receptor
1663. HLA typing
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0242318) =Laboratory Procedure ;
1614. HIV related
[HIV and AIDS related item ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1550476) =Idea or Concept =ConfidentialityByInfoType;
1664. HLA-A
[This gene is involved in immune responses and histocompatibility processes. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333899) HLA-A Gene;
Major Histocompatibility Complex, Class I, A Gene =Gene or Genome ;
1615. HIV risk behavior
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C1537021) =Individual Behavior
1665. HLA-B
[This gene plays a role in both immune responses and histocompatibility processes. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1415561) HLA-B Gene;
Major Histocompatibility Complex, Class I, B Gene =Gene or Genome
1616. HIV Test - Consent Refusal
(UMLS (HL7) C1548858) =Health Care Activity =Consent Type;
1666. HLA-C
[This gene plays a role in immune responses. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1415562) HLA-C Gene;
Major Histocompatibility Complex, Class I, C Gene =Gene or Genome
1617. HIV Test - Disclosure
(UMLS (HL7) C1548859) =Health Care Activity =Consent Type;
1667. HLA-DPB1
[This gene plays a critical regulatory role in antigen presentation and peptide binding specificity. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333900) HLA-DPB1 Gene;
Major Histocompatibility Complex, Class II, DP Beta 1 Gene =Gene or Genome ;
1618. HIV Test - Prenatal
(UMLS (HL7) C1548860) =Health Care Activity =Consent Type;
1668. HLA-DRB1
[This gene is involved in immunoregulation and antigen presentation. The gene has several hundred alleles and polymorphism typing is routinely performed for bone marrow and kidney transplantation. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1415576) HLA-DRB1 Gene;
Major Histocompatibility Complex, Class II, DR Beta 1 Gene =Gene or Genome
1619. HIV therapy
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0920551) =Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
1669. HLAR agar test
[Susceptibility, High Level Aminoglycoside Resistance agar test ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1551401) =Laboratory Procedure =ObservationMethod;
1620. HIV(+) patient
(UMLS (HL7) C1549592) =Intellectual Product =Confidentiality code;
1670. hLF(1-11)
[A synthetic peptide corresponding to the first 11 N-terminal amino acids of human lactoferrin (hLF1-11) with potential antimicrobial activity. Human lactoferrin, a 692 amino acids glycoprotein belonging to the transferrin family of metal-binding proteins, can be found in milk and other secretory fluids as well as in polymononuclear cells and leukocytes. Human lactoferrin plays a role in the innate defense of mucosal surfaces and neutrophils. Although the exact mechanism through which this peptide exerts its effect has yet to be fully elucidated, hLF1-11 may seize iron, thereby limiting the availability of free iron for microorganisms in the body. hLF1-11 appears to be effective against a variety of bacteria and fungi, including the multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans strains. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1144139) Human Lactoferrin Peptide hLF1-11;
=Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Pharmacologic Substance; Biologically Active Substance
1621. HIV-1 Tat Interacting Protein, 60kDa Gene
[This gene plays a role in apoptosis, DNA repair and the regulation of chromatin remodeling. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333931) HTATIP;
HTATIP Gene =Gene or Genome ;
1671. HMD
[A synthetic hormone with anabolic and androgenic properties. It is used mainly in the treatment of anemias. According to the Fourth Annual Report on Carcinogens (NTP 85-002), this compound may reasonably be anticipated to be a carcinogen. (From Merck Index, 11th ed) ( MSH )] (UMLS (NCI) C0030072) =Steroid; Pharmacologic Substance; Hormone =Androstanols;
1622. HIV-1 TAT Interactive Protein 2, 30-kD
[Encoded by human HTATIP2 Gene (SDR Family), the ubiquitous 242-amino acid 30-kD TAT-Interacting Protein TIP30 is a nuclear and membrane-associated tumor suppressor that contains several conserved features: a semialdehyde dehydrogenase domain, a N-terminal beta-alpha-beta fold that may bind NADP(H), and a 20-amino acid N-terminal alpha helix that may enable protein docking. Proapoptotic TIP30 activity resides in the N-terminal domain. A 133-amino acid membrane-associated variant TC3 Protein contains a unique short C-terminus that confers antiapoptotic properties. TIP30 appears to be a RNA polymerase II transcription co-activator and may function as a co-activator for HIV-1 TAT protein. TIP30 may suppress metastasis. (from LocusLink, Swiss-Prot, OMIM, and NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1336577) HIV-1 TAT-Interacting Protein 30-kD;
HTATIP2 Protein;
TAT-Interacting Protein (30kD);
TAT-Interacting Protein TIP30;
=Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Enzyme
1672. HMD identifier
[Always the first row of the table, identifies the particular Hierarchical Message Definition in the nomenclature of the HL7 Repository. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1554118) =Idea or Concept =MdfHmdRowType;
◊ [The identifier of the HMD from which the message structure for the message transferred by an interaction is drawn. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1554144) Idea or Concept HL7DefinedRoseProperty;
1623. HIV-1 Tat Interactive Protein 2, 30kDa Gene
[This gene is involved in the regulation of apoptosis and induces cell death. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333930) HTATIP2;
HTATIP2 Gene =Gene or Genome ;
1673. HMD root class
[Identifies "class" in the HMD. There is only one class entry in a Hierarchical Message Definition. This is the root class for the message. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1554119) =Idea or Concept =MdfHmdRowType;
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0375021) =Disease or Syndrome
1674. HMG
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0178700) =Organic Chemical
1625. HIV-infection (AIDS/ARC)
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497169) (HIV-infection (AIDS/ARC); BIRUO MAKALEKI ZOLDURA(INKL.SID ET SIND. AHAIDEKIDETUAK); HIV-infektion (AIDS/ARS); HIV infectie (AIDS/ARC); HIV-INFEKTIO (AIDS/ARC); Infection HIV (SIDA et associee); HIV-Infekt/AIDS/AIDS Related Compl; (108); HIV-fertozottseg (AIDS/ARC); Infezione da HIV(AIDS/ARC); HIV-INFEKSJON/AIDS/ARS; Infeccao HIV (SIDA/SRA) ; Infeccion por V.I.H.(SIDA/CRS); HIV-INFEKTION (AIDS/ARC)) =Disease or Syndrome =BLOOD, BLOOD FORMING ORGANS, LYMPHATICS, SPLEEN; Diagnosis/Diseases Component
1675. HMG
[Follicle-Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone excreted in the urine of post-menopausal women. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0025326) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Pharmacologic Substance; Hormone
1626. HIV1 protease
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0917721) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Enzyme ;
1676. HMG 2a
[HMGB3, encoded by the human HMGB3 Gene, is an high mobility group (HMG) protein, containing 2 HMG box repeats and an acidic C-terminal domain. HMGB3 is expressed predominantly in placenta. (From OMIM and NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0949720) HMG2a;
HMGB3 =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance
1627. Hive, Welt
[A smooth, slightly elevated area on the body surface, which is redder or paler than the surrounding skin. It is the typical lesion of urticaria, the dermal evidence of allergy, and in sensitive persons may be provoked by mechanical irritation of the skin. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0221232) =Sign or Symptom ;
1677. HMG Box Transcription Factor 4
[Decreasingly expressed from crypt to villus by human TCF7L2 Gene (TCF/LEF Family), nuclear DNA-binding HMG box Transcription Factor 7-Like 2, participates in the WNT pathway and maintains epithelial stem cells of the small intestine. Absent CTNNB1, TCF7L2 acts as a repressor. Bound to the CTNNB1 armadillo repeat in a stable complex, TCF7L2 activates transcription from promoters containing the TCF motif (CCTTTGATC). TCF7L2 binds to the MYC promoter in a sequence-specific manner and modulates MYC expression. The TCF7L2 activation domain binds transcriptional coactivator EP300. TLE1, TLE2, TLE3, and TLE4 repress TCF7L2/CTNNB1 mediated transactivation. Constitutive TCF7L2 activation may promote maintenance of the stem cell phenotype and initiate colorectal cancer. TCF7L2/CTNNB1 may control proliferation versus differentiation in intestinal epithelial cells. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1336781) hTCF4;
T-Cell-Specific Transcription Factor 4;
Transcription Factor 7-Like 2;
=Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance
1628. Hivid
(UMLS (NCI) C0678123) =Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide; Pharmacologic Substance ;
1678. HMG coA reductase
[Enzymes that catalyze the reversible reduction of alpha-carboxyl group of 3-HYDROXY-3-METHYLGLUTARYL-COENZYME A to yield MEVALONIC ACID. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020374) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Enzyme ;
=alcohol oxidoreductase;
1629. HK
[A special administrative region of China, bordering the South China Sea and China. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0019907) =Geographic Area ;
1679. HMG coA synthase
[An enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA from acetyl-CoA and acetoacetyl-CoA. This is a key enzyme in steroid biosynthesis. This enzyme was formerly listed as EC ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020375) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Enzyme ;
1630. HKI-272
[An orally available, 6,7-disubstituted-4-anilinoquinoline-3-carbonitrile, irreversible inhibitor of the HER-2 receptor tyrosine kinase with potential antineoplastic activity. HKI-272 binds to the HER-2 receptor irreversibly, thereby reducing autophosphorylation in cells, apparently by targeting a cysteine residue in the ATP-binding pocket of the receptor. Treatment of cells with this agent results in inhibition of downstream signal transduction events and cell cycle regulatory pathways; arrest at the G1-S (Gap 1/DNA synthesis)-phase transition of the cell division cycle; and ultimately decreased cellular proliferation. HKI-272 also inhibits the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase and the proliferation of EGFR-dependent cells. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1454298) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance ;
1680. HMG Family Gene
[Human HMG Family Genes encode ubiquitous non-histone HMG chromatin proteins originally named according to PAGE electrophoretic mobility, shared physical properties, and association with chromatin. Canonical HMG proteins are subdivided into 3 superfamilies with characteristic functional sequence motifs: HMGB (formerly HMG-1/-2), HMGN (formerly HMG-14/-17), and HMGA (formerly HMG-I/Y/C). DNA-binding HMG proteins appear to have roles in matrix stabilization, ssDNA protection, replication, and transcription that influence cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, and death. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333918) =Gene or Genome ;
1631. HL7 Clinical Document Architecture Level One document
(UMLS (HL7) C1548463) =Intellectual Product ;
=Subtype of referenced data;
1681. HMG Y
[HMGA1b, encoded by the HMGA1 gene, preferentially binds to the minor groove of A+T-rich regions in double-stranded DNA. It is involved in transcriptional regulation of the BRCA1 gene. HMGA1b overexpression accounts for BRCA1 downregulation in sporadic breast carcinomas. (From PubMed 12640109 and NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0379832) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance
1632. HL7 Code System Type
(UMLS (HL7) C1553870) =Intellectual Product =CodeSystem;
1682. HMG-1/-2
[The HMG-Box Family proteins are relatively abundant vertebrate DNA-binding and bending proteins that bind with structure specificity, rather than sequence specificity, and plays an architectural role in the assembly of nucleoprotein complexes. They have two homologous HMG-box DNA-binding domains connected by a short basic linker to an acidic carboxy-terminal tail that differs in length. The length (and possibly sequence) of the acidic tail may be the dominant factor in mediating the differences in properties among themselves and finely tunes the DNA-binding properties of the tandem HMG boxes, to fulfill different cellular roles. The tail is essential for structure-selective DNA-binding of the HMG boxes to DNA minicircles in the presence of equimolar linear DNA, and has little effect on the affinity for this already highly distorted DNA ligand, in contrast to binding to linear and four-way junction DNA. (J Mol Biol 2000 304:135-49) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0949597) HMGB Family Protein;
HMG-Box Protein;
=Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance ;
1633. HL7 Coded Concept Status
(UMLS (HL7) C1553873) =Intellectual Product =CodeSystem;
1683. HMG-14/-17
[The high mobility group N (HMGN) proteins are a family of nuclear proteins that binds to nucleosomes, changes the architecture of chromatin, and enhances transcription and replication from chromatin templates. They typically contain an NBD (Nucleosome Binding Domain) motif, which anchors these HMG proteins to the nucleosome cores to facilitate HMG-14/-17-dependent changes in higher order chromatin structure. The intracellular organization of the HMGN (previously known as HMG-14/17) proteins is dynamic and is related to both cell-cycle and transcriptional events. These proteins roam the nucleus, perhaps as part of multiprotein complexes, and their target interactions are modulated by posttranslational modifications. Functional studies on HMGN proteins provide insights into the molecular mechanisms by which structural proteins affect DNA-dependent activities in the context of chromatin. (Trends Biochem Sci 2001 Jul;26(7):431-7) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0949596) HMGN Family Protein;
NBD Protein;
=Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance ;
1634. HL7 Defined Codes where nnnn is the HL7 table number
(UMLS (HL7) C1550209) =Intellectual Product =Code;
1684. HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor
[Compounds that inhibit HMG-CoA reductases. They have been shown to directly lower cholesterol synthesis. ( MSH )] (UMLS (NCI) C0360714) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance =enzyme inhibitor;
1635. HL7 ITS Version Code
[HL7 implementation technology specification versions. These codes will document the ITS type and version for message encoding. The code will appear in the instances based upon rules expressed in the ITS, and do not appear in the abstract message, either as it is presented to received from the ITS. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1555717) =Intellectual Product =CodeSystem;
1685. HMGA Family Gene
[Human HMGA Family Genes encode HMGA proteins that participate in many nuclear processes ranging from chromosome and chromatin mechanics to transcription factors that regulate gene expression. Hence, they influence diverse biological processes including cell growth, proliferation, differentiation and death. HMGA proteins contain three AT-hooks that bind to minor groove AT-rich stretches. HMGA proto-oncogenes promote tumor progression and metastasis when overexpressed. High constitutive HMGA expression is consistently observed in cancers, with increasing concentrations being correlated with increasing malignancy. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333907) =Gene or Genome ;
1636. HL7 set of units of measure
(UMLS (HL7) C1550183) =Intellectual Product =Code;
1686. HMGA1
[HMGA1c appears to be the only isoform present in normal human testis. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0969693) HMGA1c;
HMG-I/R =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance ;
1637. HL7 Specified or Mandated
[HL7 Specified or Mandated ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1552074) =Idea or Concept =CodingRationale;
1687. HMGB Family Gene
[Human HMGB Family Genes encode abundant DNA-binding and bending HMG-Box Family proteins (with structure, rather than sequence, specificity) that play an architectural role in nucleoprotein assembly. They have two homologous DNA-binding HMG-box domains connected by a short basic linker to an acidic C-terminus that differs in length. Tail length may be the dominant factor mediating property differences among HMGB proteins and determines DNA-binding properties of the HMG boxes. The tail is essential for DNA-binding. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333911) =Gene or Genome ;
1638. HL7 Text
[For compatibility, this represents the HL7 v2.x FT data type. Its use is recommended only for backward compatibility with HL7 v2.x systems. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1554985) =Idea or Concept =TextMediaType;
1688. HMGN Family Gene
[Human HMGN Family Genes encode nuclear HMGN proteins that bind to nucleosomes, change chromatin architecture, and enhance transcription or replication. They typically contain a Nucleosome Binding Domain that anchors these proteins to nucleosome cores to facilitate changes in higher order chromatin structure. HMGN chromatin association is dynamic and regulated by posttranslational modification; related to cell cycle and transcriptional events. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333917) =Gene or Genome ;
1639. HL7 Value Set and Coded Concept Property Codes
(UMLS (HL7) C1553878) =Intellectual Product =CodeSystem;
=applies to;
how applies;
open issue;
ISO Object Identifier;
inverted relationship name;
1689. HMMR
[This gene plays a role in the mediation of motility, which effects migration and other cellular processes. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333919) HMMR Gene;
Hyaluronan-Mediated Motility Receptor (RHAMM) Gene =Gene or Genome ;
1640. HL7 Version V3-2003-12
[The consistent set of messaging artefacts as published or contained in repositories in December of 2003, based on the latest version of any V3 models or artefacts (RIM, Datatypes, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) as available in December of 2003. Note: This versioncode does not cover the version of the XML ITS. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1552550) =Intellectual Product ;
1690. HMO referral
(UMLS (HL7) C1546431) =Idea or Concept =Admit Source;
1641. HL7CommitteeIDInRIM
[Holds the codes used to identify the committees and SIGS of HL7 in RIM repository tables. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1553824) =Intellectual Product =CodeSystem;
=Vocabulary Committee;
Modeling and Methodology;
Technical Steering Committee;
Patient Administration;
Financial Management;
Medical records;
Patient Care;
Structured Document Committee;
1691. HMPV (human metapneumovirus)
[A METAPNEUMOVIRUS isolated from young children with acute RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C1258014) =Virus ;
1642. HL7ConformanceInclusion
[These concepts represent theconformance requirments defined for including or valuing an element of an HL7 message. The concepts apply equally to conformance profiles defined for Version 2.x messgaes as defined by the Conformance SIG, and to the conformance columns for Version 3 messages as specified in the HMD. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1553825) =Intellectual Product =CodeSystem;
1692. HN
[A country in Central America, bordering the Caribbean Sea, between Guatemala and Nicaragua and bordering the North Pacific Ocean, between El Salvador and Nicaragua. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0019905) =Geographic Area ;
1643. HL7DefinedActCodes
[Domain provides the root for HL7-defined detailed or rich codes for the Act classes. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1697993) =Intellectual Product =ActCode;
1693. hN1
[Expressed in adult/fetal tissues by human NOTCH1 Gene (Notch Family), 2556-aa 273-kDa phosphorylated type 1 transmembrane Notch Homolog 1 contains 36 extracellular EGF domains, 3 Lin/Notch repeats, and multiple intracellular domains, including 5 ANK repeats. Cleaved by a Golgi furin-like convertase, cell surface Notch protein is a disulfide linked N-/C-terminal heterodimeric receptor for membrane-bound Jagged1, Jagged2, Delta1, and Serrate on adjacent cells that activates an conserved intercellular signaling pathway (lateral inhibition) to regulate cell-fate determination, differentiation, proliferation, and apoptotic programs. Activated Notch cleavage by TACE and presenilin dependent gamma-secretase releases the intracellular domain to form a transcription complex with RBP-J kappa to activate enhancer of split genes. NOTCH1 interacts with DTX1 and DTX2 and may regulate thymic lymphocyte maturation. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1335068) Neurogenic Locus Notch Homolog Protein 1;
Notch Homolog 1;
Notch1 Preproprotein;
Translocation-Associated Notch Protein TAN-1;
=Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Receptor
1644. HL7DefinedRoseProperty
[The property Ids that HL7 has defined for customizing Rational Rose. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1553826) =Intellectual Product =CodeSystem;
=History identifier;
Application Role;
Attribute Cardinality;
MIM Delete;
Attribute may repeat;
Vocabulary domain;
Vocabulary strength;
Version 2 data type;
Version 2 Field reference;
Subject class;
State attribute;
Data type symbol;
Data type instantiated;
Primitive data type;
Reference data type;
HMD identifier;
Message type identifier;
Receiver responsibility;
Developing committee;
Model date;
Model description;
Model identifier;
Model name;
Model version;
Developing organization;
MIM Identifier;
Responsible committee ID;
End state;
Start state;
State transition;
1694. Ho-chunk
(UMLS (HL7) C1551672) =Population Group =Winnebago;
1645. HL7StandardVersionCode
[This code system holds version codes for the Version 3 standards. Values are to be determined by HL7 and added with each new version of the HL7 Standard. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1553900) =Intellectual Product =CodeSystem;
=HL7 Version V3-2003-12;
Version3 Pre-release #1
1695. Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin (formerly known as th
(UMLS (HL7) C1554319) =Population Group =NativeEntityContiguous;
1646. HL7TriggerEventCode
[The trigger event referenced by the Control Act instance. Values are drawn from the available trigger events used in the release of HL7 identified by the versionCode. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1699640) =Intellectual Product ;
1696. Hobnail Hemangioendothelioma
[An intermediate, locally aggressive blood vessel neoplasm. It is characterized by the presence of hobnail endothelial cells and formation of arborizing vascular channels. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1304512) Retiform Hemangioendothelioma =Neoplastic Process
1647. HL7UpdateMode
[The possible modes of updating that occur when an attribute is received by a system that already contains values for that attribute. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1553827) =Intellectual Product =CodeSystem;
1697. Hobnail Hemangioma
[A hemangioma characterized by the presence of hobnail endothelial cells. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0346076) =Neoplastic Process
1648. HLA A antigen
[Polymorphic class I human histocompatibility (HLA) surface antigens present on almost all nucleated cells. At least 20 antigens have been identified which are encoded by the A locus of multiple alleles on chromosome 6. They serve as targets for T-cell cytolytic responses and are involved with acceptance or rejection of tissue/organ grafts. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0019728) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
1698. Hocak
(UMLS (HL7) C1551968) Hocak Wazijaci;
=Language =ChiwereWinnebago;
1649. HLA antigen
[Antigens determined by leukocyte loci found on chromosome 6, the major histocompatibility loci in humans. They are polypeptides or glycoproteins found on most nucleated cells and platelets, determine tissue types for transplantation, and are associated with certain diseases. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0019721) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
(UMLS (ICD9CM) C0153778) =Neoplastic Process
1650. HLA B antigen
[Class I human histocompatibility (HLA) surface antigens encoded by more than 30 detectable alleles on locus B of the HLA complex, the most polymorphic of all the HLA specificities. Several of these antigens (e.g., HLA-B27, -B7, -B8) are strongly associated with predisposition to rheumatoid and other autoimmune disorders. Like other class I HLA determinants, they are involved in the cellular immune reactivity of cytolytic T lymphocytes. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0019737) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Immunologic Factor
(UMLS (ICD9CM) C0153779) =Neoplastic Process

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