- 1. A1G4 anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody vaccine
- [An anti-idiotypic (anti-Id) rat monoclonal antibody (MoAb) that mimics the disialoganglioside GD2, a cancer-associated antigen present on melanoma, small cell lung cancer, sarcoma, neuroblastoma and other malignancies. GD2 is a highly expressed glycosphingolipid by melanoma and other neuroectodermal tumors with only minimal expression on normal tissues. Vaccination with anti-Id A1G4 MoAb may elicit cellular and humoral immune responses against GD2 expression tumor cells. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0677670) =Pharmacologic Substance; Immunologic Factor ;
| - 5. Agaorse gel electrophoresis
- [A type of gel electrophoresis used in molecular biology to separate DNA strands by size using electrophoretic filtration with agarose as the support medium. Also used to separate proteins, lipoproteins, nucleic acids, and other substances. ( NCI )] (UMLS (HL7) C0013856) =Laboratory Procedure ;
=ObservationMethod; |
- 2. Against
- (UMLS (NCI) C0521124) =Qualitative Concept
| - 6. Agar Gel Immunodiffusion
- [Diffusion, Agar Gel Immunodiffusion ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1553126) =Laboratory Procedure =ObservationMethod;
- 3. agammaglobulinemia
- [An immunologic deficiency state characterized by an extremely low level of generally all classes of gamma-globulin in the blood. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0001768) =Disease or Syndrome ;
| - 7. Agar screen
- (UMLS (HL7) C1699544) =Laboratory Procedure =Susceptibility Testing;
- 4. aganglionic megacolon
- [abnormally large or dilated colon due to congenital absence of myenteric ganglion cells in a distal segment of the large bowel; resultant loss of motor function in this segment causes massive hypertrophic dilatation of the normal proximal colon; condition appears soon after birth; called also Hirschsprung's disease, aganglionic megacolon and pelvirectal achalasia. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0019569) =Congenital Abnormality ;
=colon disorder; Megacolon; ANOM DIGESTIVE SYST NOS; congenital gastrointestinal disorder | - 8. Agaricales
- [extensive order of basidiomycetous fungi whose fruiting bodies are commonly call mushrooms. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0001774) =Fungus