[Clinical Services Invoice which can be used to describe a single service, multiple services or repeated services.[1] Single Clinical services invoice where the Invoice Grouping contains one billable item and is supported by one clinical service. For example, a single service for an office visit or simple clinical procedure (e.g. knee mobilization).[2] Multiple Clinical services invoice where the Invoice Grouping contains more than one billable item, supported by one or more clinical services. The services can be distinct and over multiple dates, but for the same patient. This type of invoice includes a series of treatments which must be adjudicated together.For example, an adjustment and ultrasound for a chiropractic session where fees are associated for each of the services and adjudicated (invoiced) together.[3] Repeated Clinical services invoice where the Invoice Grouping contains one or more billable item, supported by the same clinical service repeated over a period of time.For example, the same Chiropractic adjustment (service or treatment) delivered on 3 separate occasions over a period of time at the discretion of the provider (e.g. month). ( HL7V3.0 )]
UMLS (HL7) C1553683 Relation/PAR: ActInvoiceRootGroupCode