[Glycophorins A (GYPA) and B (GYPB) are major sialoglycoproteins of the human erythrocyte membrane which bear the antigenic determinants for the MN and Ss blood groups. In addition to the M or N and S or s antigens, that commonly occur in all populations, about 40 related variant phenotypes have been identified. These variants include all the variants of the Miltenberger complex and several isoforms of Sta; also, Dantu, Sat, He, Mg, and deletion variants Ena, S-s-U- and Mk. Most of the variants are resulted from gene recombinations between GYPA and GYPB. (from RefSeq) ( NCI )]
UMLS (NCI) C0017955 - Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
- Biologically Active Substance