- 1301. Limited Stage Lesion
- (UMLS (NCI) C1334398) =Finding; ;
| - 1351. Linogliride
- (UMLS (NCI) C0065013) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance ;
- 1302. Limited Stage Small Cell Carcinoma of Lung
- [Cancer found in one lung and in nearby lymph nodes. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278725) =Neoplastic Process
| - 1352. linoleate
- [doubly unsaturated fatty acid, occurring widely in plant glycosides; an essential fatty acid in mammalian nutrition and used in the biosynthesis of prostaglandins and cell membranes. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0125894) =Lipid =Fatty Acids, Unsaturated;
long chain fatty acid |
- 1303. Limited _ Consent has been granted with limitations
- (UMLS (HL7) C1548944) =Idea or Concept =Consent Status;
| - 1353. linolenate
- [eighteen-carbon essential fatty acids that contain three double bonds; includes alpha linolenate, an omega-3 fatty acid, and gamma linolenate, an omega-6 fatty acid. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0125901) =Lipid; Biologically Active Substance ;
=Fatty Acids, Unsaturated; long chain fatty acid |
- 1304. Limulus
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0023721) =Invertebrate ;
| - 1354. Linomide
- (UMLS (NCI) C0950651) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance
- 1305. LIN
- (UMLS (NCI) C0861352) LN;
Lobular Intraepithelial Neoplasia; Lobular Neoplasia =Neoplastic Process | - 1355. LINOTROBAN
- (UMLS (NCI) C0253918) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance ;
- [A lincosamide antibiotic derived from bacteria Streptomyces lincolnensis with activity against gram positive and anaerobic bacteria. Lincomycin binds to the 50S subunit of the bacterial ribosome resulting in the inhibition of protein synthesis, thereby producing bactericidal effects in susceptible organisms. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0023726) =Carbohydrate; Antibiotic =Glycoside;
Pyrrolidines; [AM350] LINCOMYCINS; =7-Chloro-7-deoxylincomycin; LINCOMYCIN HYDROCHLORIDE; | - 1356. LINTITRIPT
- (UMLS (NCI) C0753720) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance ;
- 1307. Line
- (UMLS (HL7) C1546701) =Intellectual Product =Specimen Source Codes;
| - 1357. Lintopride
- (UMLS (NCI) C0378649) =Organic Chemical ;
- 1308. Line
- (UMLS (HL7) C1550648) =Substance =SpecimenEntityType;
| - 1358. Lioresal
- (UMLS (NCI) C0699999) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Pharmacologic Substance ;
- 1309. line
- [1 [in_i]/12 ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1552960) =Quantitative Concept =UnitOfMeasureAtomInsens;
UnitOfMeasureAtomSens | - 1359. lip
- [upper or lower flesh margin of the mouth. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0023759) =Body Location or Region =Buccal Cavity;
Body Part |
- 1310. Line
- [A hollow tube used to administer a substance into a vein, artery or body cavity ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1556143) =Intellectual Product =AccessMedicalDevice;
=Intraveneous Line; Intra-arterial Line; | - 1360. Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer
- [A carcinoma arising in the lip or oral cavity. Most oral cavity carcinomas are squamous cell carcinomas of the tongue, buccal mucosa, or gums. Less frequent morphologic variants include mucoepidermoid carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Lip carcinomas are usually basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas. — 2004 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0220641) =Neoplastic Process ;
- 1311. Line arterial
- (UMLS (HL7) C1546702) =Intellectual Product =Specimen Source Codes;
| - 1361. Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer Stage 0
- [Stage 0 includes: Tis, N0, M0. Tis: Carcinoma in situ. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.)-2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0279270) =Neoplastic Process
- 1312. Line arterial
- (UMLS (HL7) C1550649) =Substance =SpecimenEntityType;
| - 1362. Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer Stage I
- [Cancer that is no larger than 2 centimeters (about 1 inch) and has not spread to nearby lymph nodes. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0279790) =Neoplastic Process
- 1313. Line item denied or rejected
- (UMLS (HL7) C1547498) =Intellectual Product =Denial or Rejection Code;
| - 1363. Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer Stage II
- [Cancer that is larger than 2 centimeters (about 1 inch) but smaller than 4 centimeters (about 2 inches) and has not spread to lymph nodes in the area. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0279791) =Neoplastic Process
- 1314. Line item is on a multiple-day claim. The line item is not denied or rejected, but occurs on a day that has been denied or rejected.
- (UMLS (HL7) C1547499) =Intellectual Product =Denial or Rejection Code;
| - 1364. Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer Stage III
- [The cancer is larger than 4 centimeters (about 2 inches); or the cancer is any size but has spread to only one lymph node on the same side of the neck as the cancer. The lymph node that contains cancer is no larger than 3 centimeters (just over one inch). ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0279792) =Neoplastic Process
- 1315. Line item not denied or rejected
- (UMLS (HL7) C1547497) =Intellectual Product =Denial or Rejection Code;
| - 1365. Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer Stage IV
- [The cancer has spread to tissues around the lip and oral cavity (the lymph nodes in the area may contain cancer); the cancer is any size and has spread to more than one lymph node on the same side of the neck as the cancer, to lymph nodes on one or both sides of the neck, or to any lymph node that is larger than 6 centimeters (larger than 2 inches); or the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0279793) =Neoplastic Process
- 1316. Line venous
- (UMLS (HL7) C1546703) =Intellectual Product =Specimen Source Codes;
| - 1366. Lip and Oral Cavity Neoplasm
- [new abnormal tissue of the mouth that grows by excessive cellular division and proliferation more rapidly than normal and continues to grow after the stimuli that initiated the new growth cease. ( CSP )] (UMLS (NCI) C0026640) =Neoplastic Process ;
=Head and Neck Neoplasm; Mouth Diseases; Neoplasm of Oropharynx; =Neoplasm of Salivary Gland; Neoplasm of the Tongue; Gingival Neoplasm; Leukokeratosis of Oral Mucosa; Lip Neoplasm; Neoplasm of Palate; Neoplasm of Salivary Gland; Neoplasm of the Tongue |
- 1317. Line venous
- (UMLS (HL7) C1550650) =Substance =SpecimenEntityType;
| - 1367. Lip and Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C0280297) =Neoplastic Process
- 1318. Line, Arterial
- (UMLS (HL7) C1548732) =Diagnostic Procedure =Specimen Collection Method;
| - 1368. Lip Neoplasm
- [A benign or malignant neoplasm involving the lip. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0023761) =Neoplastic Process =DISEASES OF LIPS;
Lip and Oral Cavity Neoplasm |
- 1319. Line, CVP
- (UMLS (HL7) C1548728) =Diagnostic Procedure =Specimen Collection Method;
| - 1369. Lip SCC
- (UMLS (NCI) C0280302) =Neoplastic Process
- 1320. Line, Venous
- (UMLS (HL7) C1548733) =Diagnostic Procedure =Specimen Collection Method;
| - 1370. Lipan
- (UMLS (HL7) C1551919) Lipan Apache;
=Language =EasternApachean; |
- 1321. linear accelerator
- [A machine that creates high-energy radiation to treat cancer, using electricity to form a stream of fast-moving subatomic particles. Also called mega-voltage (MeV) linear accelerator or a linac. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0023730) =Medical Device ;
| - 1371. lipase
- [non-EC general term; note that individual lipid hydrolases have not been treed under this term. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0023764) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Pharmacologic Substance; Enzyme =Carboxylic Ester Hydrolases;
Ester Hydrolase; carboxylesterase; Inactive Ingredient Preparations =Pancrelipase; LIPASE 8000 UNT; LIPASE 4000 UNT; LIPASE 5000 UNT; LIPASE 12000 UNT; LIPASE 16000 UNT; LIPASE 20000 UNT; LIPASE 4500 UNT; LIPASE 24000 UNT; LIPASE 6000 UNT; LIPASE 10000 UNT; LIPASE 27.5 MG; LIPASE 75 MG; LIPASE 6500 UNT; LIPASE 25000 UNT; LIPASE 32000 UNT; LIPASE 30000 UNT; LIPASE 1000 UNT; LIPASE 2000 UNT; LIPASE 25 MG; LIPASE 650 UNT; LIPASE 0 NS; LIPASE 16800 UNT/07GM; LIPASE 175 MG; LIPASE 6750 UNT; |
- (UMLS (ICD9CM) C1300597) Opening of cranial suture =Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
| - 1372. LIPASE
- [A quantitative measurement of the amount of triacylglycerol lipase present in a sample. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0523940) =Laboratory Procedure
- 1323. Linear Eccrine Nevus with Comedones
- (UMLS (NCI) C0473579) =Neoplastic Process
| - 1373. Lipemia
- [An observation used to describe the Lipemia Index of the specimen. It is recommended to use the optical turbidity at 600 nm (in absorbance units). ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1553189) =Idea or Concept =ActSpecObsInterferenceCode;
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0176165) =Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
| - 1374. Lipiarmycin
- (UMLS (NCI) C0065023) =Carbohydrate
- 1325. Linear Sebaceous Nevus
- [A syndrome characterized by lesions occurring on the face, scalp, or neck which consist of congenital hypoplastic malformations of cutaneous structures and which over time undergo verrucous hyperplasia. Additionally it is associated with neurological symptoms and skeletal, ophthalmological, urogenital, and cardiovascular abnormalities. ( MSH )] (UMLS (NCI) C0265318) =Disease or Syndrome ;
| - 1375. Lipiarmycin A3
- (UMLS (NCI) C0125918) =Carbohydrate
- 1326. Lines
- (UMLS (HL7) C1548328) =Idea or Concept =Quantity limited request;
| - 1376. lipid
- [any of a class of hydrophobic biochemicals including fats, long- chain fatty acids, steroids, oils, and waxes. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0023779) =Lipid =hydrocarbon;
Lipids and Antilipemic Agents =fat; Fatty Acid; glyceride; glycolipid; lipofuscin; membrane lipid; oil; phosphatide; sphingolipid; sterol; terpene; blood lipid; oxidized lipid; sterol ester; fat; Fatty Acid; Fatty Alcohols; glyceride; Lipoprotein; membrane lipid; oil; WAX; LIPID,STRUCTURED (FROM PALM KERNEL OIL); |
- 1327. Lines
- [Used where lines of respone has limitations. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1553412) =Qualitative Concept =QueryQuantityUnit;
| - 1377. lipid bilayer membrane
- [two layers of phospholipids, forming the basic structure of a biological membrane; bilayer systems are frequently studied as models of biological membranes. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0023768) =Cell Component =cell membrane;
artificial membrane |
- 1328. Linezolid
- [A synthetic oxazolidinone derivative, Linezolid selectively inhibits an early step in bacterial protein synthesis and affects blood pressure through monoamine oxidase inhibition. It is effective against Gram-positive organisms, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains, coagulase-negative Staphylococci, vancomycin-resistant Enterococci, and penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae strains. (NCI04) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0663241) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance ;
=Acetamides; Oxazolidinones; [AM900] ANTI-INFECTIVES, OTHER; =LINEZOLID 2 MG/ML; LINEZOLID 100 MG/5ML; LINEZOLID 600 MG; | - 1378. Lipid Binding
- [Lipid Binding is the molecular interaction between a lipid molecule and a macromolecule (usually protein) for transport, catalysis, localization, or modification of function. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1148636) =Molecular Function ;
- 1329. Linfolizin
- (UMLS (NCI) C0729024) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance; Hazardous or Poisonous Substance
| - 1379. lipid biosynthesis
- [anabolic formation of lipid compounds in organisms or living cells; this includes fats, long-chain fatty acids, and oils. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C1563744) lipogenesis;
=Organism Function; ; =anabolism; fat metabolism =fatty acid biosynthesis |
- 1330. Lingual
- [movable muscular organ of the floor of the mouth, subserving the special sense of taste and aiding in mastication, deglutition and the articulation of sound. ( CSP )] (UMLS (HL7) C0040408) =Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component =Buccal Cavity;
Body Part =taste bud; | - 1380. Lipid Cell Neoplasm of Ovary
- [An ovarian tumor in which the vast majority of the cells (more than 90% of the tumor cells) resemble steroid hormone-secreting cells. It usually presents with androgenic manifestations. Approximately one-third of the cases follow a malignant clinical course. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0334412) =Neoplastic Process
- 1331. Lingual Artery
- (UMLS (NCI) C0226104) =Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component
| - 1381. lipid mediator
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0599745) =Biologically Active Substance ;
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0192146) =Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
| - 1382. Lipid metabolism disorder
- [condition in which there is a deviation or interruption in the processing of lipids in the body: synthesis, absorption, transport, storage, and utilization.(CSP)] (UMLS (ICPC) C0154251) (Lipid metabolism disorder; LIPIDOETAKO METABOLISMO NAHASKETA; Forstyrrelser i lipid-stofskiftet; Vetstofwisselingsstoornissen; RASVA-AINEENVAIHDUNNAN HAIRIO; Dyslipidemies; Fettstoffwechselstoerungen; hiperlipidemia.hiperxolesterolemia; zsiranyagcsere-zavar; Disturbi del metabolismo lipidico; FORSTYRR VED LIPID-STOFFSKIFTET; Alteracoes do metabolismo lipidico; Enf metabolismo lipidico; RUBBNINGAR I LIPIDOMSATTNINGEN) =Disease or Syndrome =Metabolic Disease; ENDOCRINE, METABOLIC AND NUTRITIONAL; Diagnosis/Diseases Component; =fatty liver; hyperlipemia; lipodystrophy; xanthelasmatosis; inborn lipid/lipoprotein disorder; hypolipemia; lipoprotein disorder; Lipogranuloma
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0192139) =Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
| - 1383. lipid peroxide
- [peroxides produced in the presence of a free radical by the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in the cell in the presence of molecular oxygen; results in the destruction of the original lipid leading to the loss of integrity of the membranes. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0023776) =Lipid =oxidized lipid;
- 1334. Lingual Salivary Gland
- (UMLS (NCI) C0930558) =Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component
| - 1384. lipid protein complex (nonblood)
- [protein lipid complexes which are not blood components. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0597077) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance =gene product;
=CHG; |
- 1335. Lingual Tonsil
- (UMLS (NCI) C0229871) =Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component
| - 1385. lipid raft
- [localized regions of elevated cholesterol and glycosphingolipid content within cell membranes; implicated in cellular processes such as membrane sorting, vesicle transport and signal transduction. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C1167250) =Cell Component =cell membrane;
- 1336. LingualRoute
- [Lingual ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1698724) =Functional Concept ;
=RouteBySite; =Translingual | - 1386. lipid solubility
- [quality or fact of being soluble in any of a class of hydrophobic biochemicals including fats, long- chain fatty acids, steroids, oils, and waxes; susceptibility of being dissolved by a lipid. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0596844) =Quantitative Concept =solubility;
- 1337. linguistics
- [The science of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and historical linguistics. (Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed) ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0023741) =Occupation or Discipline ;
| - 1387. lipid storage myopathy associated with carnitine deficiency
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0598585) =Disease or Syndrome
- 1338. Lingula
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0677580) =Invertebrate
| - 1388. lipid structure
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0596845) =Lipid =chemical structure;
- 1339. Lingula
- (UMLS (HL7) C1561517) =Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component =Body Part;
| - 1389. Lipid Trafficking
- [movement of lipids through a biological system; can be across cell membranes and epithelial layers and also can occur within intracellular compartments and extracellular compartments. ( CSP )] (UMLS (NCI) C0596846) =Cell Function =biological transport;
=fatty acid transport |
- 1340. Lingula of the Lung
- (UMLS (NCI) C0225740) =Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component
| - 1390. Lipid-Laden Macrophage
- (UMLS (NCI) C0333738) =Cell
- 1341. LINIMENT
- [A solution or mixture of various substances in oil, alcoholic solutions of soap, or emulsions intended for external application. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0023742) =Biomedical or Dental Material =Topical Solution;
| - 1391. Lipid-Rich Carcinoma
- [A carcinoma characterized by the presence of malignant epithelial cells with clear cytoplasm which contains neutral lipids. A representative example is the lipid-rich breast carcinoma. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0334318) =Neoplastic Process
- 1342. Linitis Plastica
- [A cancer-related condition in which the gastric wall becomes thickened and rubbery (leather-bottle stomach). It is most often associated with diffuse gastric adenocarcinomas. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0023743) =Neoplastic Process =Adenocarcinoma, Scirrhous;
| - 1392. Lipiodol
- (UMLS (NCI) C0947677) =Lipid; Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid ;
- 1343. LINK
- (UMLS (HL7) C1548446) =Intellectual Product =Problem/goal action code;
| - 1393. lipitor
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0593906) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance
- 1344. link (for Gunter's chain)
- [1 [ch_br]/100 ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1552917) =Quantitative Concept =UnitOfMeasureAtomInsens;
UnitOfMeasureAtomSens | - 1394. Lipo-Hepin
- (UMLS (NCI) C0700893) =Carbohydrate; Pharmacologic Substance
- 1345. link (for Ramden's chain)
- [1 [rch_us]/100 ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1552919) =Quantitative Concept =UnitOfMeasureAtomInsens;
UnitOfMeasureAtomSens | - 1395. Lipo-Lutin
- (UMLS (NCI) C0701118) =Steroid; Pharmacologic Substance; Hormone
- 1346. Link Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor II
- [Link Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor II, encoded by the Link-GEFII gene, is a Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor enriched highly in the basal ganglia. This protein is a Ras guanyl nucleotide-releasing protein with calcium- and diacylglycerol-binding motifs. (from LocusLink and PubMed) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1334401) Link-GEFII;
LOC51195; =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance ; | - 1396. Lipoadenoma
- [An adenoma in which the neoplastic epithelial cells are admixed with adipose tissue cells. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0334325) =Neoplastic Process
- 1347. Link order/service to patient care problem or goal
- (UMLS (HL7) C1548237) =Intellectual Product =Order control codes;
| - 1397. lipoaminoacid
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0598433) =Amino Acid Sequence; Lipid
- 1348. link protein
- [found in nasal cartilage and bovine articular cartilage; involved in stabilizing the interaction between two other components of cartilage, proteoglycan subunit and hyaluronic acid. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0065011) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance ;
=proteoglycan; | - 1398. lipoate
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0178731) =Organic Chemical; Vitamin
- 1349. linkage disequilibrium
- [when a specific haplotype is almost always associated with a gene mutation; genetic diagnostic method used to decrease uncertainty in linkage analysis. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0023746) =Quantitative Concept =chromosome mapping;
| - 1399. lipoatrophic diabetes mellitus
- [Congenital disorders, usually autosomal recessive, characterized by severe generalized lack of ADIPOSE TISSUE, extreme INSULIN RESISTANCE, and HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0221032) =Disease or Syndrome ;
- 1350. linker mutagenesis
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0599419) =Molecular Biology Research Technique ;
| - 1400. lipoatrophy
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C1280433) =Disease or Syndrome