- 1. ENL
- [Encoded by human MLLT1 Gene, 559-aa 62-kDa nuclear ENL Protein is similar to MLLT3/AF9 (Human), TFG3/ANC1 (Yeast), and trithorax (Drosophila), contains nuclear targeting sequences, serine- and proline-rich regions, and stretches abundant in basic amino acids, and appears capable of transcriptional transactivation in lymphoid and myeloid cells. The C-terminal 90-aa of MLLT1 are required for activation of transcription. A common acute leukemia chromosomal translocation t(11;19)(q23;p13.3) involves MLL/HRX and MLLT1 that results in a rogue chimeric activator protein containing the MLL N-terminal AT-hook motifs. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1333335) ENL Protein;
MLLT1; Trithorax Homolog 1 =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance | - 4. ENLARGEMENT OF ORBIT
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0155279) =Disease or Syndrome ;
- 3. Enlarged lymph gland(s)
- [Lymphadenopathy: the abnormal enlargement of lymph nodes.(AIR)] (UMLS (ICPC) C0497156) (Enlarged lymph gland(s); GANGLIO LINFATIKOA(K) BOLUMENEZ HANDITUA(K); Forstorret lymfeknude(r); Vergrote lymfeklier(en); SUURENTUNEET IMUSOLMUKKEET; Ganglion(s) lymph augmente(s); Lymphknotenvergroesserung; balutot limfa mugdalot; nyirokcsomo nagyobbodas/ok; Linfoghiandola(e) ingrossata(e); FORSTORRET/STOR LYMFEKNUTE(R) r59; Ganglio(s) linfatico aumentado; Adenopatia/s; LYMFKORTELSVULLNAD) =Finding =BLOOD, BLOOD FORMING ORGANS, LYMPHATICS, SPLEEN; Symptoms and Complaints Component
| - 6. Enlisted
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549460) =Idea or Concept =Military Rank/Grade;