[Type of invoice element that is used to assist in describing an Invoice that is either submitted for adjudication or for which is returned on adjudication results. Invoice elements of this type signify a grouping of one or more children (detail) invoice elements. They do not have intrinsic costing associated with them, but merely reflect the sum of all costing for it's immediate children invoice elements.Codes from this domain reflect the type of Invoice such as Pharmacy Dispense, Clinical Service and Clinical Product. The domain is only specified for the root (top level) invoice element group for an Invoice. ( HL7V3.0 )]
UMLS (HL7) C1699087 Relation/PAR: ActInvoiceGroupCode
Relation/CHD: oral health service
clinical service invoice
clinical product invoice
financial invoice
sessional or block fee invoice
Rx compound invoice
Rx dispense invoice
preferred accommodation invoice
vision dispense invoice
clinical service and product