- 1. EP4
- [Expressed in several tissues, including male reproductive system, respiratory tract, and nasopharynx as 5 alternatively spliced transcripts, human WFDC2 Gene (WFDC Family) encodes 5 secreted isoforms of Epididymal Secretory Protein E4 that contain one or two WFDC domains. The WFDC domain contains eight cysteines forming four disulfide bonds at the protein core and often functions in protease inhibition. WFDC2 may be involved in sperm maturation. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0903042) Epididymal Secretory Protein E4;
Epididymis-Specific Whey-Acidic Type Four-Disulfide Core Protein; Major Epididymis-Specific Protein E4; Putative Protease Inhibitor WAP5; WAP Domain Containing Protein HE4-V4; WAP Four-Disulfide Core Domain Protein 2; WFDC2; =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance ; | |