[Stage IV nasopharynx cancer may be one of the following. 1) Stage IVA: Cancer has spread beyond the nasopharynx to other areas in the head and may have spread to nearby lymph nodes. 2) Stage IVB: Cancer has spread beyond the nasopharynx to other areas in the head and to lymph nodes above the collarbone or that are larger than 6 cm. (larger than 2 inches). 3) Stage IVC: Cancer that has spread to other organs of the body. ( NCI )]
UMLS (NCI) C1377919Metastatic Carcinoma of the Nasopharynx
Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Metastatic Nasopharynx Carcinoma
Nasopharyngeal Cancer, Stage IV
Stage IV Carcinoma of Nasopharynx
Stage IV Carcinoma of the Nasopharynx
Stage IV Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Stage IV Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
stage IV nasopharynx cancer
Stage IV Nasopharynx Carcinoma