- 2901. ADT/ACK - Change patient identifier list
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549162) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2951. Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Partial Remission
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332180) Adult Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in Partial Remission;
Adult Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia in Partial Remission; Adult Acute Lymphoid Leukemia in Partial Remission; Adult Precursor Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Partial Remission =Neoplastic Process |
- 2902. ADT/ACK - Change visit number
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549165) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2952. Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Remission
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279095) =Neoplastic Process
- 2903. ADT/ACK - Delete a patient record
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549138) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2953. Adult Acute M3 Leukemia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279625) =Neoplastic Process
- 2904. ADT/ACK - Delete person information
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549144) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2954. Adult Acute M4 Leukemia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279627) =Neoplastic Process
- 2905. ADT/ACK - Discharge/end visit
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549118) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2955. Adult Acute M5a Leukemia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279629) =Neoplastic Process
- 2906. ADT/ACK - Link patient information
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549139) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2956. Adult Acute M7 Leukemia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279632) =Neoplastic Process
- 2907. ADT/ACK - Merge account - patient account number
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549156) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2957. Adult Acute Monoblastic and Monocytic Leukemia (FAB M5)
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332181) Adult Acute Monoblastic and Monocytic Leukemia (M5);
Adult Acute Monoblastic Leukemia and Acute Monocytic Leukemia; M5 Adult Acute Monoblastic and Monocytic Leukemia; =Neoplastic Process |
- 2908. ADT/ACK - Merge patient information (for backward compatibility only)
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549133) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2958. Adult Aggressive Contiguous Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Stage II
- (UMLS (NCI) C0677691) =Neoplastic Process
- 2909. ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - account number only (for backward compatibility only)
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549150) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2959. Adult Aggressive Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C0677730) =Neoplastic Process ;
- 2910. ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - patient ID and account number (for backward compatibility only)
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549151) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2960. Adult Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma
- [An alveolar soft part sarcoma occurring in adults. The most common site of involvement is the extremity, particularly the deep soft tissues of the thigh. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0279544) =Neoplastic Process
- 2911. ADT/ACK - Merge patient information - patient ID only (for backward compatibility only)
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549149) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2961. Adult Anaplastic (Malignant) Meningioma
- (UMLS (NCI) C0280801) =Neoplastic Process ;
- 2912. ADT/ACK - Merge patient _ patient identifier list
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549155) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2962. Adult Anaplastic Astrocytoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C0280483) =Neoplastic Process ;
- 2913. ADT/ACK - Merge person information (for backward compatibility only)
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549145) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2963. Adult Anaplastic Ependymoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C0280787) =Neoplastic Process
- 2914. ADT/ACK - Merge person _ patient ID (for backward compatibility only)
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549154) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2964. Adult Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332182) Adult CD30+ Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma;
Adult K-1+ Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma =Neoplastic Process |
- 2915. ADT/ACK - Merge visit - visit number
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549157) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2965. Adult Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma
- (UMLS (NCI) C0280790) =Neoplastic Process
- 2916. ADT/ACK - Move account information - patient account number
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549159) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2966. Adult Anaplastic Rhabdomyosarcoma
- [An aggressive malignant mesenchymal neoplasm characterized by the presence of bizarre round, spindle, and polygonal cells. Clinical presentation includes a rapidly enlarging painful mass usually of the lower extremities. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1332211) Adult Pleomorphic Rhabdomyosarcoma =Neoplastic Process
- 2917. ADT/ACK - Move patient information _ patient identifier list
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549158) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2967. Adult Angiosarcoma
- [An angiosarcoma occurring in the adult population. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278592) =Neoplastic Process
- 2918. ADT/ACK - Move visit information - visit number
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549160) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2968. adult animal
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0596888) =Animal =animal age group;
- 2919. ADT/ACK - Patient arriving - tracking
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549125) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2969. Adult Astrocytic Neoplasm
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332183) Adult Astrocytic Tumor;
Adult Astrocytic Tumour =Neoplastic Process |
- 2920. ADT/ACK - Patient departing - tracking
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549124) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2970. Adult Atypical Meningioma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332184) =Neoplastic Process
- 2921. ADT/ACK - Patient goes on a _leave of absence_
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549136) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2971. Adult B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279593) =Neoplastic Process
- 2922. ADT/ACK - Patient returns from a _leave of absence_
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549137) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2972. Adult Benign Brain Stem Neoplasms
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332467) Benign Adult Brain Stem Neoplasm;
Benign Adult Brain Stem Tumor; Benign Adult Brain Stem Tumors; Benign Adult Brainstem Neoplasm; Benign Adult Brainstem Neoplasms; Benign Adult Brainstem Tumor; Benign Adult Brainstem Tumors; Benign Neoplasm of Adult Brain Stem; Benign Neoplasm of Adult Brainstem; Benign Neoplasm of the Adult Brain Stem; Benign Neoplasm of the Adult Brainstem; Benign Tumor of Adult Brain Stem; Benign Tumor of Adult Brainstem; Benign Tumor of the Adult Brain Stem; Benign Tumor of the Adult Brainstem =Neoplastic Process ; |
- 2923. ADT/ACK - Pending admit
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549129) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2973. Adult Benign Cerebellar Neoplasms
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332468) Benign Adult Cerebellar Neoplasm;
Benign Adult Cerebellar Tumor; Benign Adult Cerebellar Tumors; Benign Neoplasm of Adult Cerebellum; Benign Neoplasm of the Adult Cerebellum; Benign Tumor of Adult Cerebellum; Benign Tumor of the Adult Cerebellum =Neoplastic Process ; |
- 2924. ADT/ACK - Pending discharge
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549131) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2974. Adult Benign Cerebral Neoplasms
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332469) Benign Adult Cerebral Hemispheric Neoplasm;
Benign Adult Cerebral Hemispheric Tumor; Benign Adult Cerebral Neoplasm; Benign Adult Cerebral Tumor; Benign Adult Neoplasm of Cerebral Hemispheres; Benign Adult Neoplasm of Cerebrum; Benign Adult Neoplasm of the Cerebral Hemispheres; Benign Adult Neoplasm of the Cerebrum; Benign Adult Tumor of Cerebral Hemispheres; Benign Adult Tumor of Cerebrum; Benign Adult Tumor of the Cerebral Hemispheres; Benign Adult Tumor of the Cerebrum; =Neoplastic Process |
- 2925. ADT/ACK - Pending transfer
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549130) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2975. Adult Botryoid Sarcoma
- [A morphologic variant of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma occurring in adults. The neoplasm arises from organs containing a mucosal epithelial surface. It is characterized by the formation of a cambium layer in the affected tissue and polypoid nodules with an abundant myxoid stroma. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1332185) Adult Botryoid-Type Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma =Neoplastic Process
- 2926. ADT/ACK - Pre-admit a patient
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549120) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2976. Adult Brain Ependymoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332186) =Neoplastic Process
- 2927. ADT/ACK - Register a patient
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549119) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2977. Adult Brain Glioblastoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332187) Adult Brain Glioblastoma Multiforme =Neoplastic Process
- 2928. ADT/ACK - Swap patients
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549132) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2978. Adult Brain Medulloblastoma
- [A medulloblastoma arising from the brain, occurring in adults. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1332188) =Neoplastic Process
- 2929. ADT/ACK - Transfer a patient
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549117) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2979. Adult Brain Meningioma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332189) =Neoplastic Process
- 2930. ADT/ACK - Unlink patient information
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549152) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2980. Adult Brain Neoplasm
- [An abnormal growth of the cells that comprise the tissues of the brain. This term does not specify whether the growth is benign or malignant nor does it specify location. It is limited to persons aged greater than twenty one years. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0220624) =Neoplastic Process ;
- 2931. ADT/ACK - Update patient information
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549123) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2981. Adult Brain Oligodendroglioma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332190) =Neoplastic Process
- 2932. ADT/ACK - Update person information
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549146) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2982. Adult Brain Stem Astrocytoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332191) Adult Brainstem Astrocytoma =Neoplastic Process
- 2933. ADT/ACK _ Cancel change attending doctor
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549170) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2983. Adult Brain Stem Glioma
- (UMLS (NCI) C0278873) =Neoplastic Process
- 2934. ADT/ACK _ Cancel change consulting doctor
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549173) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2984. Adult Brain Stem Gliosarcoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1377914) Adult Brainstem Gliosarcoma =Neoplastic Process
- 2935. ADT/ACK _ Cancel leave of absence for a patient
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549167) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2985. Adult Brain Stem Mixed Glioma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1377915) Adult Brainstem Mixed Glioma =Neoplastic Process
- 2936. ADT/ACK _ Cancel patient returns from a leave of absence
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549168) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2986. Adult Brain Stem Neoplasm
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332192) Adult Brain Stem Tumor;
Adult Brainstem Neoplasm; Adult Brainstem Tumor; Neoplasm of Adult Brain Stem; Neoplasm of Adult Brainstem; Neoplasm of the Adult Brain Stem; Neoplasm of the Adult Brainstem; Tumor of Adult Brain Stem; Tumor of Adult Brainstem; Tumor of the Adult Brain Stem; Tumor of the Adult Brainstem =Neoplastic Process |
- 2937. ADT/ACK _ Change consulting doctor
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549172) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2987. Adult Burkitt Leukemia
- [The leukemic counterpart of Burkitt lymphoma occurring in adults. The characteristic Burkitt cells are seen in the bone marrow and the peripheral blood. This is an aggressive leukemia. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0279591) =Neoplastic Process
- 2938. ADT/ACK _ Update allergy information
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549171) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 2988. Adult Burkitt Lymphoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C0278764) =Neoplastic Process ;
- 2939. Adult Acute Basophilic Leukemia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279631) =Neoplastic Process
| - 2989. Adult Care Home
- [A custodial care facility providing supportive and personal care services to disabled and/or elderly individuals who cannot function independently in most areas of activity and need assistance and monitoring to enable them to remain in a home like environment. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1552538) =Intellectual Product ;
=Custodial Care Facility; |
- 2940. Adult Acute Differentiated Monocytic Leukemia (M5b)
- (UMLS (NCI) C0280634) =Neoplastic Process
| - 2990. Adult Central Nervous System Choriocarcinoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1370505) Adult CNS Choriocarcinoma;
Choriocarcinoma of Adult Central Nervous System; Choriocarcinoma of Adult CNS; Choriocarcinoma of the Adult Central Nervous System; Choriocarcinoma of the Adult CNS =Neoplastic Process |
- 2941. Adult Acute Eosinophilic Leukemia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279630) =Neoplastic Process
| - 2991. Adult Central Nervous System Embryonal Carcinoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1370503) Adult CNS Embryonal Carcinoma;
Embryonal Carcinoma of Adult Central Nervous System; Embryonal Carcinoma of Adult CNS; Embryonal Carcinoma of the Adult Central Nervous System; Embryonal Carcinoma of the Adult CNS =Neoplastic Process |
- 2942. Adult Acute Erythroid Leukemia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279619) =Neoplastic Process
| - 2992. Adult Central Nervous System Germ Cell Neoplasm
- (UMLS (NCI) C0280796) =Neoplastic Process ;
- 2943. Adult Acute Granulocytic Leukemia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0220615) =Neoplastic Process ;
| - 2993. Adult Central Nervous System Germinoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1370504) Adult CNS Germinoma;
Germinoma of Adult Central Nervous System; Germinoma of Adult CNS; Germinoma of the Adult Central Nervous System; Germinoma of the Adult CNS =Neoplastic Process |
- 2944. Adult Acute Granulocytic Leukemia in Remission
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279094) =Neoplastic Process
| - 2994. Adult Central Nervous System Immature Teratoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332193) =Neoplastic Process
- 2945. Adult Acute Granulocytic Leukemia with Maturation
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279624) =Neoplastic Process
| - 2995. Adult Central Nervous System Mature Teratoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332194) =Neoplastic Process
- 2946. Adult Acute Granulocytic Leukemia with Minimal Differentiation
- (UMLS (NCI) C0281641) =Neoplastic Process
| - 2996. Adult Central Nervous System Mixed Germ Cell Tumor
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332195) =Neoplastic Process
- 2947. Adult Acute Granulocytic Leukemia without Maturation
- (UMLS (NCI) C0279623) =Neoplastic Process
| - 2997. Adult Central Nervous System Neoplasm
- [Benign and malignant neoplasms which occur in the brain, spinal cord, or meninges of adults. Astrocytomas, meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, and neurilemomas are the most common primary tumors of the adult period. Tumor metastases from other organs to the CNS are also more common in adults than in children. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1377678) Adult Central Nervous System Neoplasms;
Adult Central Nervous System Tumor; Adult Central Nervous System Tumors; Adult CNS Neoplasm; Adult CNS Neoplasms; Adult CNS Tumor; Adult CNS Tumors; Neoplasm of Adult Central Nervous System; Neoplasm of Adult CNS; Neoplasm of the Adult Central Nervous System; Neoplasm of the Adult CNS; Tumor of Adult Central Nervous System; Tumor of Adult CNS; Tumor of the Adult Central Nervous System; Tumor of the Adult CNS =Neoplastic Process ; |
- 2948. Adult Acute Leukemia in Remission
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332178) =Neoplastic Process
| - 2998. Adult Central Nervous System Primitive Neuroectodermal Neoplasm
- [A primitive neuroectodermal tumor arising from the central nervous system, occurring in adults. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1332196) Adult Central Nervous System Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor;
Adult Central Primitive Neuroectodermal Neoplasm; Adult Central Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumour; Adult CNS PNET; Adult CNS Primitive Neuroectodermal Neoplasm; Adult CNS Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor; =Neoplastic Process |
- 2949. Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- [An acute lymphoblastic leukemia occurring during adulthood. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0751606) Adult Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia;
Adult Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia; Adult Acute Lymphoid Leukemia; Adult ALL; Adult Precursor Lymphoblastic Leukemia =Neoplastic Process ; | - 2999. Adult Central Nervous System Teratoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1370506) Adult CNS Teratoma;
Teratoma of Adult Central Nervous System; Teratoma of Adult CNS; Teratoma of the Adult Central Nervous System; Teratoma of the Adult CNS =Neoplastic Process; ; |
- 2950. Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Complete Remission
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332179) Adult Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in Complete Remission;
Adult Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia in Complete Remission; Adult Acute Lymphoid Leukemia in Complete Remission; Adult Precursor Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Complete Remission =Neoplastic Process | - 3000. Adult Cerebellar Neoplasm
- (UMLS (NCI) C1332197) Adult Cerebellar Neoplasms;
Adult Cerebellar Tumor; Adult Cerebellar Tumors; Neoplasm of Adult Cerebellum; Neoplasm of the Adult Cerebellum; Tumor of Adult Cerebellum; Tumor of the Adult Cerebellum =Neoplastic Process |