selected terms: 8,142 page 38 of 82

3701. AIDS-Related Gastric Kaposi Sarcoma
[A Kaposi sarcoma arising from the stomach in patients who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1336925) AIDS-Related Gastric Kaposi's Sarcoma;
AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma of Stomach;
AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma of the Stomach =Neoplastic Process
3751. Aircraft Accident
[An accident taking place aboard, or involving, any type of aircraft. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0000928) =Human-caused Phenomenon or Process ;
3702. AIDS-Related Herpes Zoster
(UMLS (NCI) C1332044) =Disease or Syndrome ;
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261352) =Phenomenon or Process
3703. AIDS-Related Human Papilloma Virus Infection
(UMLS (NCI) C1332045) =Disease or Syndrome ;
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261358) =Phenomenon or Process
3704. AIDS-Related Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
(UMLS (NCI) C1332046) =Disease or Syndrome ;
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261356) =Phenomenon or Process
3705. AIDS-Related Isosporiasis
(UMLS (NCI) C1332047) =Disease or Syndrome ;
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261362) =Phenomenon or Process
3706. AIDS-Related Kaposi Sarcoma-Associated Human Herpes Virus 8 Positive Extracavity Lymphoma
(UMLS (NCI) C1332048) AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Human Herpes Virus 8 Positive Extracavity Lymphoma =Neoplastic Process ;
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261355) =Phenomenon or Process
3707. AIDS-Related Lymphoma by Working Formulation
(UMLS (NCI) C1510691) =Neoplastic Process ;
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261359) =Phenomenon or Process
3708. AIDS-Related Malignancies Working Group
[Function: Provide a national scientific forum to identify research opportunities and to provide recommendations on research priorities, resource needs, and how best to address them across the range of issues in AIDS-related malignancies. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1510692) =Professional or Occupational Group ;
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261357) =Phenomenon or Process
3709. AIDS-Related Malignant Anal Neoplasm
[Anal cancer secondary to AIDS ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1332049) AIDS-Related Malignant Anal Tumor;
AIDS-Related Malignant Neoplasm of Anus;
AIDS-Related Malignant Neoplasm of the Anus;
AIDS-Related Malignant Tumor of Anus;
AIDS-Related Malignant Tumor of the Anus =Neoplastic Process ;
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261363) =Phenomenon or Process
3710. AIDS-Related Malignant Cervical Neoplasm
[Abnormal growth of the cells of the cervix with malignant characteristics. This concept specifically refers to this type of cancer in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1332050) AIDS-Related Malignant Cervical Tumor;
AIDS-Related Malignant Cervix Neoplasm;
AIDS-Related Malignant Cervix Tumor;
AIDS-Related Malignant Cervix Uteri Neoplasm;
AIDS-Related Malignant Cervix Uteri Tumor;
AIDS-Related Malignant Neoplasm of Cervix;
AIDS-Related Malignant Neoplasm of Cervix Uteri;
AIDS-Related Malignant Neoplasm of the Cervix;
AIDS-Related Malignant Neoplasm of the Cervix Uteri;
AIDS-Related Malignant Neoplasm of the Uterine Cervix;
AIDS-Related Malignant Neoplasm of Uterine Cervix;
AIDS-Related Malignant Tumor of Cervix;
AIDS-Related Malignant Tumor of Cervix Uteri;
AIDS-Related Malignant Tumor of the Cervix;
AIDS-Related Malignant Tumor of the Cervix Uteri;
AIDS-Related Malignant Tumor of the Uterine Cervix;
AIDS-Related Malignant Tumor of Uterine Cervix;
AIDS-Related Malignant Uterine Cervix Neoplasm;
AIDS-Related Malignant Uterine Cervix Tumor =Neoplastic Process
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261354) =Phenomenon or Process
3711. AIDS-Related Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
(UMLS (NCI) C1332051) AIDS-Related Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma =Neoplastic Process
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261361) =Phenomenon or Process
3712. AIDS-Related Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma of the Cervix
(UMLS (NCI) C1332052) AIDS-Related Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma of Cervix;
AIDS-Related Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma of the Cervix;
AIDS-Related Uterine Cervical Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma =Neoplastic Process
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261351) =Injury or Poisoning
3713. AIDS-Related Oropharyngeal Candidiasis
(UMLS (NCI) C1332053) =Disease or Syndrome
3763. Airedale
[The Airedale Terrier is a large terrier with a harsh wiry coat, long flat head, and a deep chest. The coat should be tan with black (or dark grizzle) markings. Height: 22-24 inches (56-61 cm.) Weight: 40-65 pounds (18-29 kg.) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0324299) =Mammal
3714. AIDS-Related Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
(UMLS (NCI) C1332054) =Disease or Syndrome
3764. Airway Epithelial Hyperplasia of the Mouse Pulmonary System
(UMLS (NCI) C1510838) =Disease or Syndrome
3715. AIDS-Related Plasmablastic Lymphoma
(UMLS (NCI) C1332055) =Neoplastic Process
3765. Aiticha
(UMLS (HL7) C1551936) Choinimni;
=Language =Yokutsan;
3716. AIDS-Related Plasmablastic Lymphoma of Mucosa Site
(UMLS (NCI) C1332056) =Neoplastic Process
3766. AJ
[A country in Southwestern Asia, bordering the Caspian Sea, between Iran and Russia. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0004486) =Geographic Area ;
3717. AIDS-Related Plasmablastic Lymphoma of Oral Mucosa
(UMLS (NCI) C1332057) AIDS-Related Plasmablastic Lymphoma of the Oral Mucosa =Neoplastic Process
3767. AJCC G1 Sarcoma
(UMLS (NCI) C1332066) AJCC Grade 1 Sarcoma;
AJCC Grade I Sarcoma;
Well Differentiated Sarcoma =Neoplastic Process
3718. AIDS-Related Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia
(UMLS (NCI) C1332058) =Disease or Syndrome
3768. AJCC G2 Sarcoma
(UMLS (NCI) C1332067) AJCC Grade 2 Sarcoma;
AJCC Grade II Sarcoma;
Moderately Differentiated Sarcoma =Neoplastic Process
3719. AIDS-Related Primary Effusion Lymphoma
(UMLS (NCI) C1332059) =Neoplastic Process
3769. AJCC G3 Sarcoma
(UMLS (NCI) C1332068) AJCC Grade 3 Sarcoma;
AJCC Grade III Sarcoma;
=Neoplastic Process
3720. AIDS-Related Retinopathy
(UMLS (NCI) C1332060) =Disease or Syndrome
3770. AJCC G4 Sarcoma
(UMLS (NCI) C1332069) AJCC Grade 4 Sarcoma;
AJCC Grade IV Sarcoma;
=Neoplastic Process
3721. AIDS-Related Toxoplasmosis
(UMLS (NCI) C1332061) =Disease or Syndrome
3771. AJCC Stage 0 Vaginal Cancer
[Stage 0 includes: (Tis, N0, M0). Tis: Carcinoma in situ. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.)-2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0686277) =Neoplastic Process
3722. AIDS-Related Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
(UMLS (NCI) C1332062) =Disease or Syndrome
3772. AJCC Stage 0 Vulvar Cancer
[Stage 0 includes: Tis, N0, M0. Tis: Carcinoma in situ (preinvasive carcinoma. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.) - 2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278729) =Neoplastic Process
3723. AIDS/HIV diagnosis
[determination of AIDS based on symptoms, medical history, risk factors, and clinical tests such as blood tests for HIV infection; for clinical tests only, use AIDS TEST. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0596050) =Diagnostic Procedure ;
=communicable disease diagnosis;
immunopathology diagnosis =AIDS test;
3773. AJCC Stage I Cervical Cancer
[Cancer that involves the cervix but has not spread to nearby tissues. In stage IA cancer of the cervix, a very small amount of cancer that is only visible under a microscope is found deeper in the tissues of the cervix. In stage IB cancer, a larger amount of cancer is found in the tissues of the cervix. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278575) =Neoplastic Process
3724. AIDS/HIV neuropathy
[neurological disorders associated with HIV infection. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0596049) =Disease or Syndrome ;
=HIV Infection;
3774. AJCC Stage I Colon Cancer
[Stage I includes: (T1, N0, M0) and (T2, N0, M0). T1: Tumor invades submucosa. T2: Tumor invades muscularis propria. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.)-2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278474) =Neoplastic Process
3725. AIL
[Destructive growth of lymph cells, usually involving the lungs, skin, kidneys, and central nervous system. Grades I and II are not considered cancerous, but grade III is considered a lymphoma. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0024307) =Neoplastic Process =Lymphoproliferative Disorder;
Precancerous Condition
3775. AJCC Stage I Fallopian Tube Cancer
[Stage I includes: (T1, N0, M0); IA (T1a, N0, M0); IB (T1b, N0, M0); IC (T1c, N0, M0). T1: Tumor limited to the fallopian tube(s). T1a: Tumor limited to one tube, without penetrating the serosal surface; no ascites. T1b: Tumor limited to both tubes, without penetrating the serosal surface; no ascites. T1c: Tumor limited to one or both tubes with extension onto or through the tubal serosa, or with malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.) - 2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1378106) Fallopian Tube Cancer Stage I;
FIGO Stage I Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage I Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage I Fallopian Tube Carcinoma;
Stage I Fallopian Tube Cancer =Neoplastic Process
3726. AILD
[An aggressive Non-Hodgkin's adult lymphoma, formerly called angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia (AILD). Characterized by clonal T-cell receptor gene rearrangement. Frequent opportunistic infections due to an underlying immunodeficiency. (PDQ) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0020981) =Neoplastic Process ;
=Lymphoproliferative Disorder;
3776. AJCC Stage I Ovarian Cancer
[Cancer that is found in one or both of the ovaries and has not spread. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278685) =Neoplastic Process
3727. AIM
(UMLS (NCI) C0279214) =Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
3777. AJCC Stage I Rectal Cancer
[Stage I includes: (T1, N0, M0) and (T2, N0, M0). T1: Tumor invades submucosa. T2: Tumor invades muscularis propria. (AJCC 6th ed.) -2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278535) =Neoplastic Process
3728. AIN
[A precancerous neoplastic intraepithelial process involving either the squamous and transitional zones of the anal canal or the perianal skin (anal margin). ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0347129) =Neoplastic Process
3778. AJCC Stage I Vaginal Cancer
[Stage I includes: (T1, N0, M0). T1: Tumor confined to vagina. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.) - 2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278741) =Neoplastic Process
3729. AINHUM
[Spontaneous autoamputation of the fourth or fifth toe. ( MSH )] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0001860) =Disease or Syndrome ;
3779. AJCC Stage I Vulvar Cancer
[Cancer found in the vulva only or the space between the opening of the rectum and the vagina (perineum). The tumor is 2 centimeters (about 1 inch) or smaller. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0854960) FIGO Stage I Carcinoma of the Vulva;
FIGO Stage I Carcinoma of Vulva;
FIGO Stage I Vulva Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage I Vulvar Carcinoma;
stage I cancer of the vulva;
Stage I Vulva Cancer;
Stage I Vulval Cancer;
Stage I Vulval Carcinoma;
Stage I Vulvar Cancer;
Stage I Vulvar Carcinoma;
Vulvar Cancer Stage I =Neoplastic Process
3730. Air
(UMLS (HL7) C1552506) =Intellectual Product ;
3780. AJCC Stage IA Cervical Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C0278587) =Neoplastic Process
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0178350) =Human-caused Phenomenon or Process
3781. AJCC Stage IA Fallopian Tube Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C1336114) Fallopian Tube Cancer Stage IA;
FIGO Stage IA Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage IA Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage IA Fallopian Tube Carcinoma;
Stage IA Fallopian Tube Cancer;
=Neoplastic Process
3732. air bladder
[an organ in modern bony fish that develops from latral or dorsal wall of gut, and can fill with oxygen for bouyancy, hearing, or sound production. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0001878) =Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component ;
3782. AJCC Stage IA Ovarian Cancer
[Stage IA includes: T1a, N0, M0. T1a: Tumor limited to one ovary; capsule intact, no tumor on ovarian surface. No malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.) - 2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1336121) FIGO Stage IA Cancer of Ovary;
FIGO Stage IA Cancer of the Ovary;
FIGO Stage IA Carcinoma of Ovary;
FIGO Stage IA Carcinoma of the Ovary;
FIGO Stage IA Ovarian Cancer;
FIGO Stage IA Ovarian Carcinoma;
Ovarian Cancer Stage IA;
Stage IA Ovarian Cancer =Neoplastic Process
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0302425) =Pathologic Function
3783. AJCC Stage IA1Cervical Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C1336109) Cervical Cancer Stage IA1;
FIGO Stage IA1 Carcinoma of Cervix;
FIGO Stage IA1 Carcinoma of Cervix Uteri;
FIGO Stage IA1 Carcinoma of the Cervix;
FIGO Stage IA1 Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri;
FIGO Stage IA1 Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix;
FIGO Stage IA1 Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix;
FIGO Stage IA1 Cervical Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IA1 Cervix Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IA1 Cervix Uteri Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IA1 Uterine Cervix Carcinoma;
Stage IA1 Cervical Cancer =Neoplastic Process
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0274265) =Injury or Poisoning
3784. AJCC Stage IA2 Cervical Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C1336110) Cervical Cancer Stage IA2;
FIGO Stage IA2 Carcinoma of Cervix;
FIGO Stage IA2 Carcinoma of Cervix Uteri;
FIGO Stage IA2 Carcinoma of the Cervix;
FIGO Stage IA2 Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri;
FIGO Stage IA2 Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix;
FIGO Stage IA2 Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix;
FIGO Stage IA2 Cervical Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IA2 Cervix Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IA2 Cervix Uteri Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IA2 Uterine Cervix Carcinoma;
Stage IA2 Cervical Cancer =Neoplastic Process
3735. air filter
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0180861) =Manufactured Object
3785. AJCC Stage IB Cervical Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C0278582) =Neoplastic Process
3736. air filtration
[process of separating particulate matter from air, by passing the air through a medium that will not pass the particulates. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0596053) =Occupational Activity ;
=air pollution control;
3786. AJCC Stage IB Fallopian Tube Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C1336133) Fallopian Tube Cancer Stage IB;
FIGO Stage IB Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage IB Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage IB Fallopian Tube Carcinoma;
Stage IB Fallopian Tube Cancer;
=Neoplastic Process
3737. air hunger
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0231848) =Finding
3787. AJCC Stage IB Ovarian Cancer
[Stage IB includes: T1b, N0, M0. T1b: Tumor limited to both ovaries; capsules intact, no tumor on ovarian surface. No malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.) - 2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1336141) FIGO Stage IB Cancer of Ovary;
FIGO Stage IB Cancer of the Ovary;
FIGO Stage IB Carcinoma of Ovary;
FIGO Stage IB Carcinoma of the Ovary;
FIGO Stage IB Ovarian Cancer;
FIGO Stage IB Ovarian Carcinoma;
Ovarian Cancer Stage IB;
Stage IB Ovarian Cancer =Neoplastic Process
3738. air microbiology
[The presence of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the air. This term is not restricted to pathogenic organisms. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0001867) =Phenomenon or Process ;
3788. AJCC Stage IB1 Cervical Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C1336128) Cervical Cancer Stage IB1;
FIGO Stage IB1 Carcinoma of Cervix;
FIGO Stage IB1 Carcinoma of Cervix Uteri;
FIGO Stage IB1 Carcinoma of the Cervix;
FIGO Stage IB1 Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri;
FIGO Stage IB1 Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix;
FIGO Stage IB1 Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix;
FIGO Stage IB1 Cervical Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IB1 Cervix Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IB1 Cervix Uteri Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IB1 Uterine Cervix Carcinoma;
Stage IB1 Cervical Cancer =Neoplastic Process
3739. air monitoring
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0920383) =Occupational Activity ;
3789. AJCC Stage IB2 Cervical Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C1336129) Cervical Cancer Stage IB2;
FIGO Stage IB2 Carcinoma of Cervix;
FIGO Stage IB2 Carcinoma of Cervix Uteri;
FIGO Stage IB2 Carcinoma of the Cervix;
FIGO Stage IB2 Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri;
FIGO Stage IB2 Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix;
FIGO Stage IB2 Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix;
FIGO Stage IB2 Cervical Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IB2 Cervix Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IB2 Cervix Uteri Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage IB2 Uterine Cervix Carcinoma;
Stage IB2 Cervical Cancer =Neoplastic Process
3740. air pollution
[presence of contaminants or pollutant substances in the air that interfere with human health or welfare, or produce other harmful environmental effects. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0001873) =Environmental Effect of Humans ;
3790. AJCC Stage IC Fallopian Tube Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C1336149) Fallopian Tube Cancer Stage IC;
FIGO Stage IC Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage IC Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage IC Fallopian Tube Carcinoma;
Stage IC Fallopian Tube Cancer;
=Neoplastic Process
3741. air pollution control
[prevention or controlling the presence of contaminants or pollutant substances in the air. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0596054) =Occupational Activity ;
=environmental protection;
=air treatment;
air filtration
3791. AJCC Stage IC Ovarian Cancer
[Stage IC includes: T1c, N0, M0. T1c: Tumor limited to one or both ovaries with any of the following: capsule ruptured, tumor on ovarian surface, malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.) - 2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1336150) FIGO Stage IC Cancer of Ovary;
FIGO Stage IC Cancer of the Ovary;
FIGO Stage IC Carcinoma of Ovary;
FIGO Stage IC Carcinoma of the Ovary;
FIGO Stage IC Ovarian Cancer;
FIGO Stage IC Ovarian Carcinoma;
Ovarian Cancer Stage IC;
Stage IC Ovarian Cancer =Neoplastic Process
3742. Air Sample
(UMLS (HL7) C1546536) =Intellectual Product =Specimen Source Codes;
3792. AJCC Stage II Cervical Cancer
[Cancer that has spread to nearby areas but is still inside the pelvis. In stage IIA cancer of the cervix, cancer has spread beyond the cervix to the upper two thirds of the vagina; in stage IIB, cancer has spread to the tissue around the cervix. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278576) =Neoplastic Process
3743. air sampling
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0920384) =Occupational Activity ;
3793. AJCC Stage II Colon Cancer
[Stage II includes: IIA (T3, N0, M0); IIB (T4, N0, M0). T3: Tumor invades through the muscularis propria or into non-peritonealized pericolic or perirectal tissues. T4: Tumor directly invades other organs or structures, and/or perforates visceral peritoneum. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.) - 2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278479) =Neoplastic Process
3744. air sampling/monitoring
[monitoring of the level of toxins, chemical pollutants, microbial contaminants, or other harmful substances in the air; includes periodic or continuous surveillance or testing to determine the level of compliance with statutory requirements and/or pollutant levels in the air. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0596056) =Occupational Activity ;
=ecological toxicology;
sample collection;
3794. AJCC Stage II Fallopian Tube Cancer
[Stage II includes: (T2, N0, M0); IIA: (T2a, N0, M0); IIB (T2b, N0, M0); IIC (T2c, N0, M0). T2: Tumor involves one or both fallopian tubes with pelvic extension. T2a: Extension and/or metastasis to the uterus and/or ovaries. T2b: Extension to other pelvic structures. T2c: Pelvic extension with malignant cells or ascites or peritoneal washings. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.) - 2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1378105) Fallopian Tube Cancer Stage II;
FIGO Stage II Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage II Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage II Fallopian Tube Carcinoma;
Stage II Fallopian Tube Cancer =Neoplastic Process
3745. Air Sickness
(UMLS (NCI) C0001882) =Disease or Syndrome ;
3795. AJCC Stage II Ovarian Cancer
[Cancer that is found in one or both ovaries and/or has spread to one of more of the following: uterus, fallopian tubes, other body parts within the pelvis. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278686) =Neoplastic Process
3746. air treatment
[treatment which filters, purifies or cleans the air. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0178467) =Occupational Activity ;
=air pollution control;
3796. AJCC Stage II Rectal Cancer
[Stage II includes IIA (T3, N0, M0) and IIB (T4, N0, M0). T3: Tumor invades through the muscularis propria into the subserosa, or into nonperitonealized pericolic or perirectal tissues. T4: Tumor directly invades other organs or structures, and/or perforates the visceral peritoneum. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.) - 2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278544) =Neoplastic Process
3747. airborne allergen
[antigen or hapten capable of provoking an allergic response that is suspended in, transported by, or spread by air; post coordinate with appropriate source of airborne allergen. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0596057) =Immunologic Factor ;
3797. AJCC Stage II Vaginal Cancer
[Stage 2: (T2, N0, M0). T2: Tumor invades paravaginal tissues but not to pelvic wall. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 6th ed.) - 2003 ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0278742) =Neoplastic Process
3748. Airborne Particulate Matter
[Airborne Particulate Matter is a broad class of materials and substances of minute size present in the air that originate from industrial manufacturing processes, automobile exhaust, forest fires, and fossil fuel combustion. Scientific studies have shown that airborne particles are associated with adverse health effects inducing respiratory diseases, heart ailments, and other problems. When inhaled, these particles are likely to reach deeply into the lungs. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets standards to control the emission of these particulates and to protect the public health. (NCI04) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1510837) APM;
=Hazardous or Poisonous Substance
3798. AJCC Stage II Vulva Cancer
[Cancer that is found in the vulva, the space between the opening of the rectum and the vagina (perineum), or both. The tumor is larger than 2 centimeters (larger than 1 inch). ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0854961) FIGO Stage II Carcinoma of the Vulva;
FIGO Stage II Carcinoma of Vulva;
FIGO Stage II Vulva Carcinoma;
FIGO Stage II Vulvar Carcinoma;
stage II cancer of the vulva;
Stage II Vulva Cancer;
Stage II Vulvar Cancer;
Vulva Cancer Stage II;
Vulval Cancer Stage II =Neoplastic Process
3749. Airbron
(UMLS (NCI) C1449415) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Pharmacologic Substance
3799. AJCC Stage IIA Cervical Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C0278588) =Neoplastic Process
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0261360) =Phenomenon or Process
3800. AJCC Stage IIA Fallopian Tube Cancer
(UMLS (NCI) C1336161) Fallopian Tube Cancer Stage IIA;
FIGO Stage IIA Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage IIA Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube;
FIGO Stage IIA Fallopian Tube Carcinoma;
Stage IIA Fallopian Tube Cancer;
=Neoplastic Process

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