[A penicillanic acid sulfone derivative and beta-lactamase inhibitor with antibacterial activity. Tazobactam contains a beta-lactam ring and irreversibly binds to beta-lactamase at or near its active site. This protects other beta-lactam antibiotics from beta-lactamase catalysis. This drug is used in conjunction with beta-lactamase susceptible penicillins to treat infections caused by beta-lactamase producing organisms. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0075870) =Organic Chemical; Antibiotic ; =Penicillanic Acid; Unclassified Ingredient Preparations =Tazobactam Sodium
[The sodium salt form of tazobactam, a penicillanic acid sulfone derivative and beta-lactamase inhibitor with antibacterial activity. Tazobactam contains a beta-lactam ring and irreversibly binds to beta-lactamase at or near its active site. This protects other beta-lactam antibiotics from beta-lactamase catalysis. This drug is used in conjunction with beta-lactamase susceptible penicillins to treat infections caused by beta-lactamase producing organisms. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0724700) TAZOBACTAM SODIUM PREPARATION =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance ; =TAZOBACTAM; =TAZOBACTAM SODIUM 0.25 GM; TAZOBACTAM SODIUM 0.25 GM/50ML; TAZOBACTAM SODIUM 4.5 GM; TAZOBACTAM SODIUM 0.5 GM/100ML; TAZOBACTAM SODIUM 0.3375 GM/50ML; TAZOBACTAM SODIUM 0.375 GM;