- 1. SQ 26,776
- (UMLS (NCI) C0728974) =Organic Chemical; Antibiotic ;
| - 20. Squamous Lung Dysplasia
- (UMLS (NCI) C1336084) =Pathologic Function
- 2. SQ 32756
- (UMLS (NCI) C0701502) =Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide; Pharmacologic Substance
| - 21. Squamous Metaplasia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0025570) =Cell or Molecular Dysfunction ;
- 3. SQ 9453
- (UMLS (NCI) C0729125) SQ-9453 =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance
| - 22. Squamous Metaplasia of Bladder
- (UMLS (NCI) C0341732) =Disease or Syndrome
- 4. SQ YD
- [LITERAL ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0560747) =Quantitative Concept =UnitOfMeasureAtomInsens;
UnitOfMeasureAtomSens | - 23. Squamous Metaplasia of Rectal Mucosa
- (UMLS (NCI) C0267609) =Disease or Syndrome ;
- 5. SQM/SQR - Schedule query message and response
- (UMLS (HL7) C1549368) =Health Care Activity =Event Type;
| - 24. Squamous Odontogenic Neoplasm
- [A well-differentiated, benign, hamartomatous proliferation of odontogenic epithelium, probably arising from the rests of Malassez. ( MSH )] (UMLS (NCI) C1458142) Squamous Odontogenic Tumor;
=Neoplastic Process ; |
- 6. Squalamine Lactate
- [A drug that belongs to the family of drugs called angiogenesis inhibitors. It prevents the growth of new blood vessels into a solid tumor. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0678046) =Steroid; Pharmacologic Substance
| - 25. Squamous Papilloma of the Vagina
- (UMLS (NCI) C1336943) Squamous Papilloma of Vagina;
Vaginal Squamous Papilloma =Neoplastic Process |
- 7. squalene
- [a hexamethyl, hexaene C(30) aliphatic terpene found in sebum and liver, where it is a cholesterol precursor. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0038071) =Lipid; Pharmacologic Substance; Biologically Active Substance; Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid =Polyenes;
triterpene =squalane | - 26. Squamous Papillomatosis
- [A benign squamous neoplasm characterized by a papillary growth pattern, diffusely involving a specific anatomic site. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1378340) =Neoplastic Process
- 8. Squamata
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C1265559) =Reptile
| - 27. Square
- [List bullets are solid squares ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1552595) =Intellectual Product =Unordered List Style;
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0155174) =Disease or Syndrome ;
| - 28. SQUARE
- [The shape has four distinct and equal sides with four right angles. The sides may be straight or slightly curved. A square tilted at a 45 degree angle so that the diagonals run vertical and horizontal is not a diamond, but rather, a square. See also DIAMOND. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0205120) =Spatial Concept
- 10. Squamous Carcinoma of Penis, Verrucous Type
- (UMLS (NCI) C1336955) Squamous Carcinoma of the Penis, Verrucous Type;
Verrucous Carcinoma of Penis; Verrucous Carcinoma of the Penis; Verrucous Penile Carcinoma; Verrucous Penile Squamous Carcinoma; Verrucous Squamous Carcinoma of Penis; Verrucous Squamous Carcinoma of the Penis =Neoplastic Process ; | - 29. square inch
- [1 [in_i]2 ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C0560749) =Quantitative Concept =UnitOfMeasureAtomInsens;
UnitOfMeasureAtomSens |
- 11. Squamous Cell
- [(SKWAY-mus) Flat cells that look like fish scales under a microscope. These cells cover internal and external surfaces of the body. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0221910) =Cell
| - 30. square mile
- [1 [mi_us]2 ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1552923) =Quantitative Concept =UnitOfMeasureAtomInsens;
UnitOfMeasureAtomSens |
- 12. Squamous Cell Atypia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0333869) =Cell or Molecular Dysfunction
| - 31. square rod
- [1 [rd_us]2 ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1552922) =Quantitative Concept =UnitOfMeasureAtomInsens;
UnitOfMeasureAtomSens |
- 13. Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Situ with Questionable Stromal Invasion
- [A malignant epithelial neoplasm involving all the layers of the squamous epithelium, but it is not certain if it is confined to the squamous epithelium or it has invaded the basement membrane and the underlying stroma. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0334251) =Neoplastic Process
| - 32. squash mosaic virus
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0598206) =Virus
- 14. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Submandibular Gland
- (UMLS (NCI) C1336525) Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Submandibular Gland;
Submandibular Gland Squamous Cell Carcinoma; =Neoplastic Process ; | - 33. Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island Reserva
- (UMLS (HL7) C1554504) =Population Group =NativeEntityContiguous;
- 15. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary
- (UMLS (NCI) C0280097) =Neoplastic Process
| - 34. squid
- [marine cephalopod employed in neurophysiological studies primarily because its unusually large motor axons are amenable to macroscopic experimental manipulations. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0038078) =Invertebrate ;
=Cephalopoda; |
- 16. Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Horn Formation
- [A keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma characterized by the presence of horn pearls. Representative examples include squamous cell carcinomas of the face presenting as a cutaneous horn. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1266004) =Neoplastic Process
| - 35. SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device)
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0597997) =Manufactured Object ;
- 17. Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type
- [A squamous cell carcinoma characterized by the presence of malignant cells with clear cytoplasm. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1266006) =Neoplastic Process
| - 36. squirrel
- [diurnal rodents with large eyes, found in all regions except Australia and Asia. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0087017) =Mammal =Mammals, Rodents;
=ground hog; |
- 18. Squamous Epithelium
- [A simple or stratified flat epithelium. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0221909) =Tissue
| - 37. squirrel fibroma virus
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0319278) =Virus
- 19. Squamous Hyperplasia
- (UMLS (NCI) C1336083) =Pathologic Function
| - 38. squirrel monkey retrovirus
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0599578) =Virus ;