[The American Eskimo is a white Spitz-type dog. It has a wedge-shaped head with muzzle and skull about the same length. It has erect triangular-shaped ears and a heavily plumed tail curled over the back. The profuse coat is always white, or white with biscuit or cream markings. Toy: 9-12 inches (23-30 cm) 6-10 pounds (2.4-4.5 kg) Miniature: over 12 (30 cm) up to 15 inches (38 cm) 10-20 pounds (4.5-9 kg) Standard: over 15 inches (38 cm) up to 19 inches (48 cm) 18-35 pounds (8-16 kg.) ( NCI )]
UMLS (NCI) C0324362