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Registration in the catalog

Dear visitors!
You can register in differ categories of catalog MEDINDEX.
The access to category "MEDINDEX temp" is temporary and free for 3 months.
If you want
to prolong the being of your website link in catalog or
to order the advertisement of your site or
to participate in the competition and win a prize read the following information...

Websites, achieving first 4 positions in Hits + Visit + Poll Num + Poll Ave of MEDINDEX TOP 10 ratio and retain the first places for 1 month, will win a prize of $100
3 first places - $50
2 first places - $10
Websites in the "Children" category achieving first 3 positions in Hits + Visits + Poll 10 + Poll 9 will win a prize of $100
Websites with Picture Galleries, Video and Flash Movie Galleries, Quizes, Puzzles, Crosswords, Educational Games, etc., those that are designed or drawn by children, can be registered in the "Children" category.
These websites can be from all domains or from subdomains, also from free social network accounts.
Also, children can send us pictures and we will place them in www.museum.am children galleries.
Participation costs $10
Each participant gets advertised with image banners or text advertisements 30 times each day during 1 year. (About 100 visitors and 10000 textlink views a year.) For additional information see Pricelist

Participation and advertising begins immediately upon receival of payment. We will send you a voting code to include in participant pages. The prize will be dispatched after 1 month from the beginning if high results will be acheved. For questions, please, fill in the form.

Your Name*
E-mail *
The e-mail you entered will not be collected or used for any marketing purposes.
Preferred payment*