[abnormal elevation of body temperature, usually as a result of a pathologic process.(CSP)]
UMLS (ICPC) C0015967E. Fever;
Da. Feber;
Du. Koorts;
Finn. KUUME;
Fr. Fievre;
G. Fieber;
Heb. xom;
Hung. laz;
It. Febbre;
Norw. FEBER;
Port.Eu. Febre;
Sp. Fiebre;
Sw. FEBER Relation/PAR: body temperature; Body Temperature Changes; Clinical Finding; GENERAL AND UNSPECIFIED; Symptoms and Complaints Component;
Relation/CHD: Febrile convulsions (simple), unspecified; anesthesia related hyperthermia; Fever of Unknown Origin; Sweating Sickness;