[Constitutively expressed by human TGFBI Gene in many tissues (high in corneal epithelium) and TGF-beta induced, highly conserved 683-aa 75-kDa (precursor) extracellular Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Induced Protein IGH3 contains an N-signal peptide, four 140-aa FAS1 domains with internal homology, and a C-RGD motif. RGD is found in many extracellular matrix proteins that modulate cell adhesion and serves as a ligand recognition sequence for several integrins. With similar structure to fasciclin I (putative neuronal cell adhesion protein) and OSF-2 (potential bone adhesion protein), TGFBI binds to types I, II, and IV collagens. A potential adhesion protein, TGFBI may play role in cell-collagen interactions, may be associated with microfibrils and the cell surface, and may be involved in endochondral bone formation. TGFBI defects cause CDGG1, CDRB, CDL1, CDL3A, and ACD. (NCI) ( NCI )]
UMLS (NCI) C0172642 - Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
- Biologically Active Substance