[Widely expressed (ubiquitous in CNS) by human ADORA1 Gene (GPCR1 Family), conserved 326-aa 37-kDa Adenosine A1 Receptor is a cell-surface integral membrane protein containing 7 transmembrane domains that interacts with a heterotrimeric G protein complex in response to adenosine ligand to suppress cAMP accumulation through adenylate cyclase inhibition and regulate diverse physiologic functions including cardiac rate and contractility, smooth muscle tone, sedation, release of neurotransmitters, platelet function, lipolysis, renal function, white blood cell function, and spermatozoal capacitation. ADORA1 appears to colocalize with adenosine deaminase, which may be necessary for high affinity agonist binding. A potent biologic mediator, most effects of adenosine protect cells during stress. ( NCI )]
UMLS (NCI) C0001451 - Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
- Receptor