[Widely expressed by human PLU-1 Gene (RBBP Family) at varying levels (highest in Sertoli cells), 1544-aa 176-kDa nuclear RBP2-Like Protein contains 3 Cys-rich zinc-binding DNA-binding PHD/LAP domains, a DNA-binding dead ringer domain, 5 putative nuclear localization signals, a putative DNA/chromatin binding motif, and other conserved regions of unknown function. With an additional 137 amino acids, 1681-aa 190-kDa RBBP2H1A appears to be an alternate PLU-1 product that shares 56% overall amino acid sequence identity with RBBP2, important in RB tumor suppressor regulation. (NCI) ( NCI )]
Jumonji Protein
PLU-1 Protein
RBP2-Like Protein
Retinoblastoma-Binding Protein 2 Homolog 1A
- Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
- Biologically Active Substance