- 2601. Hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis
- (UMLS (ICPC) C0494276) (Hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis; HIPERTIROIDISMOA/TIROTOSIKOSIA; Hypertyreose/tyreotoksikose; Hyperthyreoidie/thyreotoxicose; KILPIRAUHASEN LIIKATOIMINTA/TYREOTOKSIKOOSI; Hyperthyroidie/thyreotoxicose; Hyperthyreose/Thyreotoxikose; hipertiroidizm; hyperthyreosis/thyreotoxicosis; Ipertiroidismo/tireotossicosi; HYPERTYREOSE/TYREOTOKSIKOSE; Hipertiroidismo/tireotoxicose; Hipertiroidismo/tirotoxicosis; HYPERTYREOIDISM/TYREOTOXIKOS) =Disease or Syndrome =ENDOCRINE, METABOLIC AND NUTRITIONAL; Diagnosis/Diseases Component
| - 2651. hypocalcemia
- [reduction of the blood calcium below normal; manifestations include hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, muscle and abdominal cramps, and carpopedal spasm. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020598) =Finding =calcium metabolism disorder;
Water-Electrolyte Imbalance; calcium disorder; =tetany; |
- 2602. Hypertonic Saline
- [Any solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) in water with a concentration of NaCl higher than physiologic (0.9% w/v). When administered in vivo, hypertonic saline (HTS) exhibits several physiological effects beneficial to cerebral injury including 1) osmotic and vasoregulatory, by promoting the flow of excess water from cerebral tissue to the blood via osmosis and decreasing edema in the vascular endothelium of injured tissues, thus lowering vascular resistance and allowing more blood flow, 2) hemodymanic, by effectively expanding plasma volume, 3) immunomodulatory, by preventing leukocytes from becoming activated and adhering to injured neurons and, 4) neurochemical, by counteracting detrimental excitatory amino acids through the normalization of neuronal cell membranes and by restoration of normal electrolyte and neurotransmitter levels in brain cells, and normal cell volumes. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0036085) =Pharmacologic Substance; Inorganic Chemical
| - 2652. hypocapnia
- [deficiency of carbon dioxide in the blood resulting from hyperventilation. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0085383) =Sign or Symptom =Signs and Symptoms, Respiratory;
carbon dioxide tension |
- 2603. Hypertonic, incoordinate, or prolonged uterine contractions
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0495255) =Pathologic Function
| - 2653. hypochloremia
- [abnormally low level of chloride in the blood. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0085680) =Disease or Syndrome =electrolyte balance;
Water-Electrolyte Imbalance |
- 2604. Hypertonic, incoordinate, or prolonged uterine contractions, antepartum
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0157254) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2654. hypochlorhydria
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0079581) =Pathologic Function ;
- 2605. Hypertonic, incoordinate, or prolonged uterine contractions, unspecified as to episode of care
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0157252) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2655. hypocholesteremia
- [abnormally diminished amount of cholesterol in the blood. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0151718) =Pathologic Function =hypolipemia;
- 2606. Hypertonic, incoordinate, or prolonged uterine contractions, with delivery
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0157253) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2656. hypocholesteremic agent
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0020602) =Pharmacologic Substance
- [Symptom of overactive detrusor muscle of the URINARY BLADDER that contracts with abnormally high frequency and urgency. Overactive bladder is characterized by the frequent feeling of needing to urinate during the day, during the night, or both. URINARY INCONTINENCE may or may not be present. ( MSH )] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0878773) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2657. Hypochondria
- [preoccupation with the fear of having, or the idea that one has, a serious disease based on the person's misinterpretation of bodily symptoms. ( CSP )] (UMLS (NCI) C0020604) =Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction =Neurotic Disorders;
Somatoform Disorders |
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0155213) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2658. hypochondroplasia
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0410529) =Congenital Abnormality
- 2609. hypertriglyceridemia
- [condition of elevated triglyceride concentration in the blood; an inherited form occurs in familial hyperlipoproteinemia IIb and hyperlipoproteinemia type IV; linked to higher risk of heart disease and arteriosclerosis. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020557) =Finding =hyperlipemia;
| - 2659. Hypochromic Red Blood Cell
- (UMLS (NCI) C1254547) =Cell ;
- [Symmetrical osteitis of the four limbs, chiefly localized to the phalanges and the terminal epiphyses of the long bones of the forearm and leg, sometimes extending to the proximal ends of the limbs and the flat bones, and accompanied by dorsal kyphosis and joint involvement. It is often secondary to chronic conditions of the lungs and heart. (Dorland, 27th ed) ( MSH )] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0029412) =Disease or Syndrome ;
=Bone Diseases; arthropathic | - 2660. hypocupremia
- [abnormally diminished concentration of copper in the blood. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0268070) =Disease or Syndrome =metal metabolism disorder;
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0392494) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2661. hypodermic needle
- [hollow, sharp-pointed needle used for injection or infusion of fluids. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0221093) =Medical Device ;
=Medical Devices; |
- (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0020561) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2662. hypodermis
- [Loose connective tissue lying under the DERMIS, which binds SKIN loosely to subjacent tissues. It may contain a pad of ADIPOCYTES, which vary in number according to the area of the body and vary in size according to the nutritional state. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0278403) =Tissue
- 2613. Hypertrophic Lichen Planus
- (UMLS (NCI) C0023649) =Disease or Syndrome ;
| - 2663. Hypogalactia
- [A condition of less than normal MILK secretion. ( MSH )] (UMLS (NCI) C0020610) =Disease or Syndrome
- 2614. hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
- [two types, primary type is a condition chiefly characterized by thickening of the skin of the head and distal extremities, deep folds and furrows of the skin of the forehead, cheeks, and scalp, seborrhea, hyperhidrosis, periostosis of the long bones, digital clubbing, and spadelike enlargement of the hands and feet, it is more prevalent in the male; secondary type is a condition with symmetrical osteitis of the four limbs, chiefly localized to the phalanges and the terminal epiphyses of the long bones of the forearm and leg, sometimes extending to the proximal ends of the limbs and the flat bones, and accompanied by dorsal kyphosis and joint involvement, and is often secondary to chronic conditions of the lungs and heart. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0178703) =Disease or Syndrome =hypertrophy;
arthropathic | - 2664. HYPOGAMMAGLOBULINEM NOS
- [condition characterized by abnormally low levels of all classes of gamma globulins in the blood. ( CSP )] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0086438) =Disease or Syndrome =hypoimmunity;
hypoglobulinemia |
- 2615. hypertrophy
- [general increase in bulk of a body part or organ due to an increase in cell volume; it is not due to tumor formation, nor to an increase in the number of cells. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020564) =Pathologic Function =Clinical Finding;
Pathological Conditions, Anatomical =cardiomegaly; HYPERTROPHY OF KIDNEY; hypertrophic osteoarthropathy; asymmetric septal hypertrophy; muscle hypertrophy; cardiomegaly; Epatomegalia; Esplenomegalia; | - 2665. Hypogastric Region
- (UMLS (NCI) C0230189) =Body Location or Region
- (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0149825) =Pathologic Function
| - 2666. Hypogastric Vein
- (UMLS (NCI) C0226764) =Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component
- (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0156394) =Pathologic Function
| - 2667. hypoglobulinemia
- [abnormally low globulin content of the blood. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0542034) =Disease or Syndrome ;
=blood protein disorder; =HYPOGAMMAGLOBULINEM NOS |
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0158366) =Finding
| - 2668. Hypoglossal Nerve Neoplasm
- (UMLS (NCI) C1263903) Hypoglossal Nerve Neoplasms;
Hypoglossal Nerve Tumor; Hypoglossal Nerve Tumors; Neoplasm of Hypoglossal Nerve; Neoplasm of the Hypoglossal Nerve; Neoplasm of the Twelfth Cranial Nerve; Neoplasm of Twelfth Cranial Nerve; Tumor of Hypoglossal Nerve; Tumor of the Hypoglossal Nerve; Tumor of the Twelfth Cranial Nerve; Tumor of Twelfth Cranial Nerve; Twelfth Cranial Nerve Neoplasm; Twelfth Cranial Nerve Neoplasms; Twelfth Cranial Nerve Tumor; Twelfth Cranial Nerve Tumors; XIIth Cranial Nerve Neoplasms; XIIth Cranial Nerve Tumors; =Neoplastic Process |
- [general increase in bulk of the kidney due to an increase in cell volume; it is not due to tumor formation, nor to an increase in the number of cells. ( CSP )] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0156259) =Disease or Syndrome ;
=hypertrophy; Kidney Disease | - 2669. Hypoglossal Nerve Neurilemmoma
- (UMLS (NCI) C1335928) Hypoglossal Nerve Schwannoma;
Hypoglossal Neurilemmoma; Hypoglossal Schwannoma; Neurilemmoma of Hypoglossal Nerve; Neurilemmoma of the Hypoglossal Nerve; Neurilemmoma of the Twelfth Cranial Nerve; Neurilemmoma of Twelfth Cranial Nerve; Schwannoma of Hypoglossal Nerve; Schwannoma of the Hypoglossal Nerve; Schwannoma of the Twelfth Cranial Nerve; Schwannoma of Twelfth Cranial Nerve; Twelfth Cranial Nerve Neurilemmoma; Twelfth Cranial Nerve Schwannoma =Neoplastic Process |
- (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0404531) =Pathologic Function ;
| - 2670. Hypoglossal Nucleus
- [motor nucleus for the hypoglossal nerve, supplying tongue muscles (all but the palatoglossus). ( CSP )] (UMLS (NCI) C0228802) =Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component =medulla oblongata;
- 2621. Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates
- (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0155840) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2671. Hypoglossal-facial anastomosis
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0394407) =Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
- 2622. Hypertrophy of salivary gland
- (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0020569) =Pathologic Function
| - 2672. Hypoglycemia
- [syndrome of abnormally low blood glucose level; clinical hypoglycemia has diverse etiologies; severe hypoglycemia eventually lead to glucose deprivation of the central nervous system resulting in hunger, sweating, paresthesia, impaired mental function, seizures, coma, and even death.(CSP)] (UMLS (ICPC) C0020615) (Hypoglycemia; HIPOGLIZEMIA; Hypoglykaemi; Hypoglykemie; HYPOGLYKEMIA/MATALA VERENSOKERI; Hypoglycemie; Hypoglykaemie; hipoglikemia; hypoglycaemia; Ipoglicemia; LAVT BLODSUKKER/HYPOGLYKEMI; Hipoglicemia; Hipoglucemia; HYPOGLYKEMI) Hypoglycemia =Disease or Syndrome =Metabolic Disease; Endocrine Pancreas Disease; ENDOCRINE, METABOLIC AND NUTRITIONAL; Diagnosis/Diseases Component =hypoglycemia associated with hypoketonemia; Insulin Coma
- 2623. Hypertrophy of tonsils alone
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0155831) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2673. hypoglycemia associated with hypoketonemia
- [hypoglycemia that is associated with hypoketonemia, abnormally low glucose and ketones in the blood; patients usually present in the 2nd year of life and hypoglycemia is associated with encephalopathy mimicking Reye's syndrome. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0596744) =Disease or Syndrome ;
=Blood Glucose, Low; |
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0156371) =Acquired Abnormality
- (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0020617) =Disease or Syndrome
- 2625. Hypertrophy/chronic infection tonsils and adenoid
- (UMLS (ICPC) C0155829) (Hypertrophy/chronic infection tonsils and adenoid; HIPERTROF./AMIGDALA ZOLDUR KRONIK./BEGETAZIO ADENOIDEAK; Hypertrofi/kron inf tons/polypper; Hypertrofie/chron inf tons/adenoid; NIELU- JA KITARISOJEN LIIKAKASVU/KROONINEN TULEHDUS; Hypertr/Infect chron amygd/veget; Hypertrophie/chron Inf Tonsillen; hiperaktiviut xronit shel hashkedim o haadenoidim; tudofibrosis; Ipertrofia/infez cron tons e aden; HYPERTR/KRON INF TONSILL/ADENOID; Hipertrofia/inf cron amigd/aden; Hipertrofia/inf cr amig/aden; HYPERPLASI/KRONISK INFL I TONSILLER/ADENOID) Hypertrophy/chr infect T & A; =Disease or Syndrome =Diagnosis/Diseases Component; Respiratory
| - 2675. hypoglycin
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0244602) =Organic Chemical; Hazardous or Poisonous Substance ;
- [Vertical strabismus in which there is permanent upward deviation of the visual axis of one eye. ( NCI )] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0020575) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2676. hypoglycorrhachia
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0598121) =Laboratory or Test Result
- 2627. Hyperuricaemia Agents
- [Gout suppressants that act directly on the renal tubule to increase the excretion of uric acid, thus reducing its concentrations in plasma. ( MSH )] (UMLS (NCI) C0041983) =Pharmacologic Substance
| - 2677. hypogonadism
- [condition resulting from or characterized by abnormally decreased functional activity of the gonads, with retardation of growth and sexual development. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020619) =Disease or Syndrome =gonad disorder;
sex development disorder =familial hypogonadism with anosmia; Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism; familial hypogonadism with anosmia; Eunuchism |
- 2628. hyperuricemia
- [excessive uric acid or urate in blood as defined by its solubility in plasma at 37 degrees Celsius; greater than 0.42mmol per liter (7.0mg/dl) in men or 0.36mmol per liter (6.0mg/dl) in women; this condition is caused by overproduction of uric acid or impaired renal clearance; hyperuricemia can be acquired, drug-induced or genetically determined; it is associated with hypertension and gout. ( CSP )] (UMLS (NCI) C0740394) uricacidemia =Disease or Syndrome ;
=Metabolic Disease; Clinical Finding | - 2678. Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
- [genetic disease that produces sterile males with small testes lacking sperm due to XXY karyotype. ( CSP )] (UMLS (NCI) C0022735) =Congenital Abnormality; Disease or Syndrome =Chromosomal anomalies;
hypogonadism; Arrieration mentale; Sex Chromosome Abnormalities; sex differentiation disorder; syndrome |
- 2629. hyperuricemia lowering drug
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0598533) =Pharmacologic Substance ;
| - 2679. hypogonadotropoic eunuchoidism
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0598746) =Congenital Abnormality; Disease or Syndrome
- 2630. Hyperventilation
- [Abnormally prolonged, rapid, and deep breathing.(NCI)] (UMLS (ICPC) C0020578) (Hyperventilation; DISNEA PSILOGENOA (HIPERAIREZTAPENA); Hyperventilation; Hyperventilatie; HYPERVENTILAATIO; Hyperventilation; Hyperventilation; (108); hiperventillacio; Iperventilazione; HYPERVENTILASJONSSYNDROM + f45.3; Hiperventilacao; Hiperventilacion; HYPERVENTILATION) =Finding =DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM; Signs and Symptoms, Respiratory; Diagnosis/Diseases Component; Respiratory =Alkalosis, Respiratory;
| - 2680. Hypogranular Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
- (UMLS (NCI) C0563634) =Neoplastic Process
- 2631. hyperventilation therapy
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0598597) =Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
| - 2681. Hypohidrosis
- [Abnormally diminished or absent perspiration. Both generalized and segmented (reduced or absent sweating in circumscribed locations) forms of the disease are usually associated with other underlying conditions. ( MSH )] (UMLS (NCI) C0020620) =Disease or Syndrome =Disorders of sweat glands;
- 2632. Hyperviscosity
- (UMLS (NCI) C0221104) =Finding ;
| - 2682. hypoimmunity
- [deficiency of immune response or a disorder characterized by deficient immune response; classified as antibody (B cell), cellular (T cell), or combined immunodeficiency, or phagocytic dysfunction disorders. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0021051) =Disease or Syndrome =immune disorder;
immunopathology =HYPOGAMMAGLOBULINEM NOS; inborn immunodeficiency; acquired immunodeficiency; agammaglobulinemia; ataxia telangiectasia; Acquired Agammaglobulinemia; DiGeorge Anomaly; Dysgammaglobulinemia; HIV Infection; HTLV-BLV Infections; LYMPHOCYTOPENIA; Phagocyte Bactericidal Dysfunction; Aldrich syndrome; combined T and B cell inborn immunodeficiency; Leukocyte-Adhesion Deficiency Syndrome; Immune System Suppression; |
- 2633. hyperviscosity syndrome
- [any syndrome associated with increased viscosity of the blood; in syndrome of serum hyperviscosity there is spontaneous bleeding and neurologic and ocular disorders; syndromes of polycythemic hyperviscosity is marked by retarded blood flow, organ congestion, reduced capillary perfusion, and increased cardiac effort; syndromes of sclerocythemic hyperviscosity comprise those in which the deformability of erythrocytes is impaired, as in sickle cell anemia. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0221030) =Disease or Syndrome ;
=BLOOD DISEASE NOS; syndrome | - 2683. hypokalemia
- [abnormally low potassium concentration in the blood; may result from excessive potassium loss by the renal or gastrointestinal route, from decreased intake, or from transcellular shifts; manifested clinically by neuromuscular disorders ranging from weakness to paralysis, by electrocardiographic abnormalities, and by renal and gastrointestinal disorders. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020621) =Finding =electrolyte balance;
Water-Electrolyte Imbalance =potassium deficiency; |
- 2634. hypervitaminosis
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0342951) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2684. hypokalemic alkalosis
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0085570) =Disease or Syndrome ;
- [A symptom complex resulting from ingesting excessive amounts of VITAMIN A. ( MSH )] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0020579) =Disease or Syndrome =Metabolic Disease;
| - 2685. hypolipemia
- [abnormally decreased amount of fat in the blood. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0342892) =Pathologic Function =BLOOD DISEASE NOS;
Alteracoes do metabolismo lipidico =hypocholesteremia |
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C1442839) =Disease or Syndrome ;
| - 2686. hypolipoproteinemia
- [presence of abnormally low levels of lipoproteins in the serum. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020623) =Disease or Syndrome =Lipid Metabolism, Inborn Errors;
lipoprotein disorder =familial hypolipoproteinemia; abetalipoproteinemia; hypobetalipoproteinemia; familial cholesteryl ester deficiency; Tangier disease; |
- 2637. HYPHEMA
- (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0020582) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2687. Hypomagnesemia
- [Lower than normal levels of magnesium in the circulating blood. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0151723) =Finding
- 2638. Hyphomycetes
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0020583) =Fungus
| - 2688. hypomania
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0241934) =Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
- 2639. hypnosis
- [state of increased receptivity to suggestion and direction, initially induced by the influence of another person. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020587) =Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure =suggestion;
| - 2689. Hypomelanosis of Ito
- (UMLS (NCI) C0022283) =Congenital Abnormality; Disease or Syndrome
- 2640. hypnosis
- [A trance-like state in which a person becomes more aware and focused and is more open to suggestion. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1446586) Hypnotherapy;
=Finding ; | - 2690. Hypomelia Hypotrichosis Facial Hemangioma Syndrome
- (UMLS (NCI) C0392475) =Congenital Abnormality; Disease or Syndrome ;
- 2641. hypnotic
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0020591) =Pharmacologic Substance
| - 2691. Hypomenorrhea
- (UMLS (NCI) C0020624) =Disease or Syndrome
- 2642. HYPO
- [An anemic condition which results from a lack hemoglobin within erythrocytes. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0333912) =Cell or Molecular Dysfunction
| - 2692. hypomyotonia
- [diminution of the skeletal muscle tone marked by a diminished resistance to passive stretching. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0026827) =Sign or Symptom =muscle disorder;
neuromuscular manifestation |
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0177060) =Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
| - 2693. hyponatremia
- [abnormally low sodium levels in the blood; salt depletion. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020625) =Finding =electrolyte balance;
Water-Electrolyte Imbalance |
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0155518) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2694. hypoparathyroidism
- [condition produced by greatly reduced function of the parathyroids possibly due to autoimmune disease or genetic factors, or by the removal of those bodies; lack of parathyroid hormone leads to a fall in plasma calcium level, which may result in increase neuromuscular excitability and ultimately tetany followed by a rise in plasma phosphate level. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020626) =Disease or Syndrome =Disorders of parathyroid gland;
=DiGeorge Anomaly; tetany |
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0155517) =Disease or Syndrome
| - 2695. Hypopharyngeal Neoplasm
- [Tumors or cancer of the HYPOPHARYNX. ( MSH )] (UMLS (NCI) C0020627) =Neoplastic Process =Neoplasm of Pharynx;
- (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0020594) =Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
| - 2696. Hypopharynx
- [The bottom part of the throat. Cancer of the hypopharynx is also called hypopharyngeal cancer. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0020629) =Body Location or Region
- 2647. hypoalbuminemia
- [abnormally low albumin content in the blood. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0239981) =Finding ;
=hypoproteinemia; | - 2697. hypophosphatasia
- [genetic metabolic disorder resulting from serum and bone alkaline phosphatase deficiency leading to hypercalcemia, ethanolamine phosphatemia, and ethanolamine phosphaturia; manifestations include severe skeletal defects resembling vitamin D resistant rickets, failure of the calvarium to calcify, dyspnea, cyanosis, vomiting, constipation, renal calcinosis, failure to thrive, disorders of movement, beading of the costochondral junction, and rachitic bone changes. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020630) =Disease or Syndrome =Congenital Metabolic Disorder;
inborn metal metabolism disorder; DIS PHOSPHORUS METABOL; |
- 2648. hypoaldosteronism
- [aldosterone deficiency, usually associated with hypoadrenalism and characterized by hypotension, dehydration, and a tendency to excrete excessive amounts of sodium. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020595) =Disease or Syndrome =adrenal disorder;
Adrenal Gland Hypofunction =hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism; | - 2698. hypophosphatemia
- [abnormally decreased amounts of phosphates in the blood; manifestations include hemolysis, lassitude, weakness, and convulsions. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0085682) =Finding =DIS PHOSPHORUS METABOL;
- 2649. hypobetalipoproteinemia
- [Conditions with abnormally low levels of BETA-LIPOPROTEINS (low density lipoproteins or LDL) in the blood. It is defined as LDL values equal to or less than the 5th percentile for the population. They include the autosomal dominant form involving mutation of the APOLIPOPROTEINS B gene, and the autosomal recessive form involving mutation of the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein. All are characterized by low LDL and dietary fat malabsorption. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0020597) =Disease or Syndrome =hypolipoproteinemia;
| - 2699. hypophosphatemia in renal tubular abnormality
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0599625) =Disease or Syndrome
- [ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0158984) =Disease or Syndrome ;
| - 2700. hypophosphaturia
- [ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0268077) =Disease or Syndrome ;