selected terms: 351 page 1 of 4

1. Fe-NTA
(UMLS (NCI) C0060239) =Organic Chemical; Hazardous or Poisonous Substance
51. Fecal Occult Blood Test
[(FEE-kul o-KULT) A test to check for blood in stool. (Fecal refers to stool; occult means hidden.) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0201811) =Laboratory Procedure
2. FE200486
(UMLS (NCI) C0971731) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Pharmacologic Substance ;
52. feces
[excrement from the intestines, containing unabsorbed solids, waste products, secretions, and microorganisms of the digestive system. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0015733) =Body Substance ;
=body fluid;
3. Fe52 isotope
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0303218) =Biologically Active Substance; Element, Ion, or Isotope ;
53. feces analysis
[examination of fecal matter for diagnostic purposes by chemical, physical, or microscopic means; includes performing chemical screening tests and screening for microorganisms or parasites. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0202010) =Laboratory Procedure =clinical chemistry;
4. Fe55 isotope
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0303219) =Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid; Element, Ion, or Isotope ;
54. fecundity
[capacity to conceive or to induce conception; may refer to either male or female. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0015895) =Organism Function ;
=family planning;
reproductive sterilization;
sperm analysis;
gamete transport;
sex cycle
5. Fe59 isotope
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0303220) =Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid; Element, Ion, or Isotope ;
55. Federal Agency
(UMLS (HL7) C1548346) =Idea or Concept =Contact Role;
6. fear
[unpleasant but normal emotional response to genuine external danger or threats; compare with ANXIETY and CLINICAL ANXIETY. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0015726) =Mental Process ;
56. federal sales tax
[Federal tax on transactions such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1555674) =Intellectual Product =ActInvoiceDetailTaxCode;
7. Fear cancer of blood/lymph organs
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497159) (Fear cancer of blood/lymph organs; ODOLEKO/SIST.HEMATOPOIETIKO/LINFATIKO/BAREKI MINBIZIARE BELDURRA; Frygt f kraeft i blod/lymfesyst/milt; Angst v kanker bloed/lymfestelsel; VEREN/VERTA MUODOSTAVIEN ELINTEN SYOVAN PELKO; Peur cancer du sang/organes lymph; Angst vor Krebs Blut/Lymphsystem; paxad misartan hadam; felelem ver/nyirokrendsz.raktol; Paura di un cancro sangue/org linf; ENGSTEL BLODKREFT/KREFT LYMFESYST; Medo cancro sangue/orgaos hematop; Miedo cancer sangre/org hemat; FRUKTAN FOR CANCER I BLODBILDANDE ORGAN/LYMFATISK VAVNAD) =Sign or Symptom =BLOOD, BLOOD FORMING ORGANS, LYMPHATICS, SPLEEN; Symptoms and Complaints Component
57. Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
(UMLS (HL7) C1552426) =Intellectual Product ;
8. Fear of AIDS
(UMLS (ICPC) C0522185) (Fear of AIDS; SIDARI BELDURRA; Frygt for AIDS; Angst voor AIDS; AIDSIN PELKO; Peur du SIDA; Angst vor AIDS; paxad meeids; felelem AIDS-tol; Paura dell'AIDS; ENGSTELIG FOR AIDS; Medo da SIDA; Miedo al SIDA; FRUKTAN FOR AIDS) =Mental Process =BLOOD, BLOOD FORMING ORGANS, LYMPHATICS, SPLEEN; Symptoms and Complaints Component
58. Federated States of Micronesia
[An island group in the North Pacific Ocean, about three-quarters of the way from Hawaii to Indonesia. (NCI) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0282244) =Geographic Area
9. Fear of being pregnant
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497429) (Fear of being pregnant; HAURDUN EGOTEARI BELDURRA; Frygt for svangerskab; Angst zwanger te zijn; PELKO RASKAUDESTA; Peur d'etre enceinte; Angst vor Schwangerschaft; paxad meherayon; felelem terhessegtol; Paura di essere incinta; ENGSTELSE FOR SVANGERSKAP; Medo de estar gravida; Miedo a estar embarazada; FRUKTAN FOR EVENTUELL GRAVIDITET) =Mental Process =PREGNANCY, CHILDBEARING, FAMILY PLANNING; Symptoms and Complaints Component
59. fee for service
[A billing arrangement where a Provider charges a separate fee for each intervention/procedure/event or product. Fee for Service is used when an individual intervention/procedure/event is used for billing purposes. In other words, fees are associated with the intervention/procedure/event. For example, a specific CCI (Canadian Classification of Interventions) code has an associated fee and is used for billing purposes. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1611700) =Idea or Concept =ActBillingArrangementCode;
10. Fear of breast cancer
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497466) (Fear of breast cancer; UGATZ MINBIZIARI BELDURRA; Frygt for brystkraeft; Angst voor borstkanker; RINTARAUHASEN SYOVAN PELKO; Peur d'un cancer du sein; Angst vor Brustkrebs; paxad misartan hashad; felelem mellraktol; Paura di un cancro della mammella; ENGST FOR KREFT I BRYSTENE; Medo de cancro mamario; Miedo a padecer cancer de mama; FRUKTAN FOR BROSTCANCER) =Mental Process =FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM (INCLUDING BREAST); Symptoms and Complaints Component
60. Fee for Service
[In health care, a payment mechanism in which a provider is paid for each individual service rendered to a patient. ( ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0242816) =Quantitative Concept ;
11. Fear of cancer male genital
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497491) (Fear of cancer male genital; GIZONEZKO UGALTX ORGANUETAKO MINBIZIARI BELDURRA; Frygt f kraeft i mandlige genital; Angst voor kanker gesl org (man); MIEHEN SUKUELINTEN SYOVAN PELKO; Peur cancer org genit masc; Angst vor Krebs des Genitale; paxad misartan maarexet hamin hagavrit; felelem ferfi nemiszervi raktol; Paura di un cancro genitale masch; ENGST FOR KREFT MANNL GENITALIA; Medo de cancro genital masculino; Miedo al cancer genital mascul; FRUKTAN FOR CANCER I MANLIGA GENITALIA) =Mental Process =Symptoms and Complaints Component; Body System, Reproductive, Male
61. fee for service top off
[Under agreement between the parties (payor and provider), a guaranteed level of income is established for the provider over a specific, pre-determined period of time. The normal course of business for the provider is submission of fee-for-service claims. Should the fee-for-service income during the specified period of time be less than the agreed to amount, a top-up amount is paid to the provider equal to the difference between the fee-for-service total and the guaranteed income amount for that period of time. The details of the agreement may specify (or not) a requirement for repayment to the payor in the event that the fee-for-service income exceeds the guaranteed amount. ( HL7V3.0 )] (UMLS (HL7) C1552567) =Intellectual Product =ActInvoiceDetailGenericProviderCode;
12. Fear of cancer neurological system
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497295) (Fear of cancer neurological system; MINBIZI NEUROLOGIKOARI BELDURRA; Frygt for kraeft i nervesystem; Angst voor kanker zenuwstelsel; HERMOSTON ALUEEN SYOVAN PELKO; Peur cancer neurologique; Angst vor Krebs des Nervensystems; paxad misartan bemaarexet haatzabim; felelem idegrendszeri raktol; Paura di un cancro sistema nervoso; ENGSTELIG FOR KREFT I NERVESYSTEM; Medo de cancro do sistema nervoso; Miedo al cancer sistema nervioso; FRUKTAN FOR CANCER I NERVSYSTEMET) =Sign or Symptom =neurologic; Symptoms and Complaints Component
62. Fee Schedule
[A listing of established professional service charges, for specified dental and medical procedures. ( MSH )] (UMLS (HL7) C0015743) =Quantitative Concept ;
=HL7 Vocabulary Version 2.5;
13. Fear of cancer of digestive system
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497184) (Fear of cancer of digestive system; LISERI SIST./ORGANUKO MINBIZIARI BELDURRA; Frygt for kraeft i fordoj system; Angst kanker spijsverteringsorg; RUOANSULATUSKANAVAN SYOVAN PELKO; Peur du cancer du syst digestif; Angst vor Krebs im Verdauungstrakt; paxad misartan shel darxe haikul; felelem emesztoszervi raktol; Paura di un cancro sistema diger; ENGSTELSE FOR KREFT FORDOY SYSTEM; Medo de cancro no ap digestivo; Miedo al cancer del ap digestivo; FRUKTAN FOR CANCER I MATSMALTNINGSKANALEN) =Sign or Symptom ;
=Body System, Gastrointestinal; Symptoms and Complaints Component
63. Feeding difficulties and mismanagement
(UMLS (ICD9CM) C0699815) =Finding ;
14. Fear of cancer of endocrine system
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497398) (Fear of cancer of endocrine system; SISTEMA ENDOKRINOKO MINBIZIARI BELDURRA; Frygt f kraeft i endokrine system; Angst v kanker endocriene klieren; SISAERITYS RAUHASTEN SYOVAN PELKO; Peur du cancer du syst endocrin; Angst vor Krebs des Endokriniums; paxad sartan bamaarexet haendokrinit; felelem endocrin rendszer raktol; Paura di un cancro sistema endoc; ENGST FOR KREFT ENDOKRINE SYST; Medo de cancro do sist endocrino; Miedo al cancer endocrino; FRUKTAN FOR CANCER IINRESEKRETORISKA ORGAN) =Sign or Symptom =ENDOCRINE, METABOLIC AND NUTRITIONAL; Symptoms and Complaints Component
64. feeding method
[Methods of giving food to humans or animals. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0015746) =Activity ;
15. Fear of cancer of respiratory system
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497346) (Fear of cancer of respiratory system; ARNASKETA SISTEMAKO MINBIZIARI BELDURRA; Frygt for kraeft i luftveje; Angst voor kanker luchtwegen; HENGITYSELINTEN SYOVAN PELKO; Peur du cancer du syst respir; Angst vor Krebs der Atmungsorgane; paxad misartan bemaarexet haneshima; felelem legzoszervi raktol; Paura di un cancro sistema respir; ENGSTELIG FOR KREFT I LUFTVEIER; Medo de cancro do ap respiratorio; Miedo al cancer ap respiratorio; FRUKTAN FOR CANCER I ANDNINGSORGANEN) =Sign or Symptom =Symptoms and Complaints Component; Respiratory
65. Feeding Problem
(UMLS (NCI) C0232466) =Finding
16. Fear of cancer of skin
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497380) (Fear of cancer of skin; AZALEKO MINBIZIARI BELDURRA; Frygt for hudkraeft; Angst voor kanker huid/subc; IHOSYOVAN PELKO; Peur du cancer de la peau; Angst vor Hautkrebs; paxad misartan haor; felelem borraktol; Paura di un cancro della pelle; ENGSTELIG FOR HUDKREFT; Medo de cancro da pele; Miedo al cancer de la piel; FRUKTAN FOR HUDCANCER) =Mental Process ;
=Symptoms and Complaints Component; Integument
66. Feeding problem adult (excluding T06)
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497396) (Feeding problem adult (excluding T06); HELDUAREN ELIKADURA ARAZOA(ESKL.T06); Ernaeringsprob hos voksen (ex T06); Voedingsprobl volwassene (ex T06); AIKUISEN RUOKINTAONGELMA (POISLUKIEN T06); Probl nutrition adulte (SF T06); Ernaehrungsprobl Erwachsener(ex T06); xoser teavon bimvugar; felnott taplalk. probl. (kiv. T106); Probl alimentaz adulto(escl T06); ERNAERINGSPROBLEM VOKSEN EKS T06; Prob alimentar adulto (excl T06) ; Prob alimentacion adulto (ex T06); PROBLEM MED FODOINTAG HOS VUXEN) Feeding problem adult (excl T06); Feeding problem adult =Finding =ENDOCRINE, METABOLIC AND NUTRITIONAL; Symptoms and Complaints Component
17. Fear of cancer of urinary system
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497415) (Fear of cancer of urinary system; GERNU SISTEMAKO MINBIZIARI BELDURRA; Frygt for kraeft i urinveje; Angst voor kanker urinewegen; VIRTATEIDEN SYOVAN PELKO; Peur du cancer du syst urinaire; Angst vor Krebs Nieren/Harnwege; paxad misartan bemaarexet hasheten; felelem urologiai raktol; Paura di un cancro sist urinario; ENGSTELIG KREFT I URINVEIENE; Medo de cancro do ap urinario; Miedo al cancer del ap urinario; FRUKTAN FOR URINVAGSCANCER) =Sign or Symptom =Urologic; Symptoms and Complaints Component
67. Feeding problem infant (excluding P11)
(UMLS (ICPC) C0851150) (Feeding problem infant (excluding P11); BULARREKO/ HAURRAREN ELIKADURA ARAZOA(ESKL.PSIKOLOG.P11); Ernaeringsprob hos barn (ex P11); Voedingsprobl zuig/kind (ex P11); VAUVAN RUOKINTAONGELMA (POISLUKIEN P11); Probl nutrit nourrisson (SF P11); Ernaehrungsprobl Saeugl/Kind (ex P11); beayot baoxel etzel yeled o tinok (lo psix' P11); csecsemo taplalasi probl.(kiv.P11); Probl alimentaz infante(escl P11); ERNAERINGSPROBLEM BARN EKS P11 + r63.3; Prob alimentar crianca (excl P11) ; Prob alimentacion nino (ex P11); MATNINGSPROBLEM/SPADBARN) BULARREKO/ HAURRAREN ELIKADURA ARAZOA(ESKL.PSIKOLOG.P11); csecsemo taplalasi probl.(kiv.P11); Ernaehrungsprobl Saeugl/Kind (ex P11); Ernaeringsprob hos barn (ex P11); ERNAERINGSPROBLEM BARN EKS P11 + r63.3; Feeding problem infant; Feeding problem infant (excl P11); Feeding problem infant (excluding P11); MATNINGSPROBLEM/SPADBARN; Prob alimentacion nino (ex P11); Prob alimentar crianca (excl P11); Probl alimentaz infante(escl P11); Probl nutrit nourrisson (SF P11); VAUVAN RUOKINTAONGELMA (POISLUKIEN P11); Voedingsprobl zuig/kind (ex P11); =Finding =ENDOCRINE, METABOLIC AND NUTRITIONAL; Symptoms and Complaints Component
18. Fear of complications of pregnancy
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497439) (Fear of complications of pregnancy; HAURDUNALDIKO/ERDITZEKO KONPLIKAZIOEI BELDURRA(HAURDUNALDIA GALTZEKO BELDURRA BARNE); Angst for kompl ved sv skab/fodsel; Angst complicaties zwang/bevalling; RASKAUSKOMPLIKAATION PELKO; Peur complications grossesse; Angst Komplik SchwSchaft/Geburt; (108); felelem terhessegi szovodmenytol; Paura di complicanze della grav; ENGST KOMPL SVANGERSKAP/FODSEL; Medo complicacoes gravidez/parto; Miedo a complicaciones del emb; FRUKTAN FOR GRAVIDITETSKOMPLIKATION) =Mental Process =PREGNANCY, CHILDBEARING, FAMILY PLANNING; Symptoms and Complaints Component
68. Feeding problems in newborn
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0159023) =Finding
19. Fear of death
(UMLS (ICPC) C0522179) (Fear of death; HERIOTZARI BELDURRA; Frygt for doden; Angst voor de dood; KUOLEMANPELKO; Peur de la mort; Angst vor Sterben und Tod; paxad mimavet; felelem a halaltol; Paura della morte; ENGSTELIG FOR DODEN + z71.1; Medo da morte; Miedo a la muerte; DODSFRUKTAN) =Mental Process =GENERAL AND UNSPECIFIED; Symptoms and Complaints Component
69. feeding schedule
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0920763) =Finding
20. Fear of ear disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497224) (Fear of ear disease; BELARRIKO ERITASURAREN BELDURRA; Frygt for oresygdom; Angst voor oor ziekte; KORVATAUDIN PELKO; Peur maladie oreille; Angst vor einer Ohrenerkrankung; paxad mimaxala baozen; felelem fulbetegsegtol; Paura di una malattia auricolare; ENGSTELIG FOR ORESYKDOM; Medo de doenca do ouvido; Miedo a padecer enf del oido; FRUKTAN FOR ORONSJUKDOM) =Mental Process =auris; Symptoms and Complaints Component
70. feeling
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C1527305) =Mental Process; ;
21. Fear of eye disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497207) (Fear of eye disease; BEGIKO ERITASUNARI BELDURRA; Frygt for ojensygdom; Angst voor oogziekte; SILMATAUDIN PELKO; Peur maladie de l'oeil; Angst vor einer Augenerkrankung; paxad mimaxalat enaim; felelem szembetegsegtol; Paura di una malattia oculare; ENGSTELIG FOR OYESYKDOM; Medo de doenca ocular; Miedo a padecer una enf ocular; FRUKTAN FOR OGONSJUKDOM) =Mental Process =EYE; Symptoms and Complaints Component
71. Feeling anxious/nervous/tense
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497305) (Feeling anxious/nervous/tense; ANTSIA/URDURITASUN/STRESS/EZEGOKITASUN ZENTZAZIOA; Angst/nervos/anspaendt/utilstr fol; Angstig/nerveus/gespannen gevoel; AHDISTUNEISUUS/HERMOSTUNEISUUS/JANNITTYNEISYYS; Anxiete/Nervosite/tension; Angst/Nervositaet/Anspannung; hargashat paxad, xarada o metax; szorongas/felelem/feszultseg erz.; Sentirsi ansioso/nervoso/teso; FOLELSE ANGST/NERVOSITET/ANSPENT; Sensacao ansiedade/nervoso/tensao; Ansiedad/nerviosismo/tension; KANSLA AV ANGEST/NERVOSITET/SPANNING) =Sign or Symptom =Symptoms and Complaints Component; PSYCHOLOGICAL
22. Fear of genital cancer
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497465) (Fear of genital cancer; MINBIZI GENITALARI BELDURRA; Frygt for kraeft i underliv; Angst voor kanker gesl org; SUKUELINTEN SYOVAN PELKO; Peur d'un cancer genital; Angst vor Krebs des Genitale; paxad misartan darxe hamin shel haisha; felelem genitalis raktol; Paura di un cancro genitale; ENGST FOR KREFT I UNDERLIVET; Medo de cancro genital; Miedo a padecer cancer genital; FRUKTAN FOR CANCER I GENITALIA) =Mental Process =FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM (INCLUDING BREAST); Symptoms and Complaints Component
72. Feeling depressed
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497307) (Feeling depressed; DEPRESIO ZENTZAZIOA; Nedtrykthed/depression; Down/depressief gevoel; MASENNUKSEN TUNNE; Sensation de depression; niedergeschlagen/depressive Stimm; hargashat dikaon; depresszio-erzes; Sentirsi depresso; FOLELSE NEDFOR/NEDTRYKT/DEPRIMERT; Sensacao de depressao/tristeza; Sensacion de tristeza; KANSLA AV NEDSTAMDHET) =Sign or Symptom =Symptoms and Complaints Component; PSYCHOLOGICAL
23. Fear of having a social problem
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497523) (Fear of having a social problem; GIZARTE ARAZOREN BAT IZATEARI BELDURRA; Frygt for socialt problem; Angst een sociaal probl te hebben; PELKO SOSIAALISESTA ONGELMASTA; Peur d'avoir un probleme social; Angst ein soziales Problem zu haben; (108); felelem szocialis problematol; Paura di avere un problema sociale; ENGSTELIG FOR SOSIALT PROBLEM + z71.1; Medo de um problema social; Miedo a sufrir un prob social; FRUKTAN FOR SOCIALA PROBLEM) =Sign or Symptom =social disturbance; Symptoms and Complaints Component
73. Feeling/behaving irritable
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497308) (Feeling/behaving irritable; ZENTZAZIOA/JARRERA SUMINKORRA/HASERREA; Irritab/opfaren/vredl adfaerd; Prikkelbaar/boos gevoel/gedrag; ARTYNEISYYS; Sensation/attitude irritable; gereizt/aergerlich fuehlen/verhalten; hargashat atzbanut; ingerult erzes/magatartas; Comportarsi/sentirsi irritabile; FOLELSE IRRITABEL/IRRITABEL ATFER; Sensacao/comport de irritabilidade; Sensacion/conducta irritable; RETLIGHET/RETLIGT BETEENDE) =Sign or Symptom =Symptoms and Complaints Component; PSYCHOLOGICAL
24. Fear of having other skin disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497381) (Fear of having other skin disease; AZALEKO BESTE ERITASUN BAT IZATEARI BELDURRA; Frygt for anden hudsygdom; Angst voor andere ziekte huid/subc; MUUN IHOSAIRAUDEN PELKO; Peur d'autres maladies peau; Angst vor sonst Hauterkrankungen; paxad mimaxalat or prat lesartan; felelem egyeb borbetegsegtol; Paura di avere altre mal pelle; ENGSTELIG FOR ANDRE HUDSYKDOMMER; Medo de outras doencas da pele; Miedo a padecer otra enf cutanea; FRUKTAN FOR OVRIGA HUDSJUKDOMAR) =Sign or Symptom ;
=Symptoms and Complaints Component; Integument
74. Feeling/behaving old/senile
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497309) (Feeling/behaving old/senile; ZENTZAZIOA/ZAHARTZAROKO JARRERA/ZAHARTZAROAZ KEZKA; Fole sig gammel/senil adfaerd; Zich oud voelen/gedragen; VANHUUDEN/SENIILIYDEN TUNNE; Sensation/attitude vieux/senile; sich alt/senil fuehlen/verhalten; (108); oregseg/senilitas erzes/magatart.; Sentirsi/comportarsi da vecchio; FOLE/OPPTRE GAMMEL/SENIL r54; Sentir/comport senil/preoc velhice; Sensacion/conducta senil/edad; ALDRANDE/SENILITET UPPLEVD/KONSTATERAD) =Sign or Symptom =Symptoms and Complaints Component; PSYCHOLOGICAL
25. Fear of heart attack
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497237) (Fear of heart attack; BIHOTZEKO ATAKEARI BELDURRA; Frygt for hjerteanfald; Angst voor hartaanval; SYDANKOHTAUKSEN PELKO; Peur d'avoir une crise cardiaque; Angst vor einem Herzanfall; paxad mehetkef lev; felelem szivrohamtol; Paura di un attacco cardiaco; ENGSTELIG FOR HJERTEANFALL; Medo de um ataque cardiaco; Miedo a un ataque cardiaco; FRUKTAN FOR HJARTATTACK) =Mental Process =CIRCULATORY; Symptoms and Complaints Component
75. Feldene
(UMLS (NCI) C0687717) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance
26. Fear of hypertension
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497238) (Fear of hypertension; HIPERTENSIOARI BELDURRA (ESKL.HIPERTENTSIO EZAGUNA); Frygt for hypertension; Angst voor hoge bloeddruk; VERENPAINETAUDIN PELKO; Peur de l'hypertension; Angst vor hohem Blutdruck; paxad miyeter laxatz dam; felelem magas vernyomastol; Paura dell'ipertensione; ENGSTELIG FOR HYPERTENSJON; Medo da hipertensao; Miedo a padecer hipertension; FRUKTAN FOR BLODTRYCKSSJUKDOM) =Mental Process =CIRCULATORY; Symptoms and Complaints Component
76. felid herpesvirus 1
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0319245) =Virus
27. Fear of mental disorder
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497325) (Fear of mental disorder; BURUTIK NAHASTEARI BELDURRA; Frygt for psykisk sygdom; Angst voor psychische ziekte; MIELENTERVEYDEN HAIRION PELKO; Peur d'avoir un trouble mental; Angst vor psychischer Erkrankung; paxad mimaxalat nefesh; felelem mentalis zavartol; Paura di un disturbo mentale; ENGSTELIG FOR PSYKISK SYKDOM; Medo de um transtorno mental; Miedo a padecer una enf mental; FRUKTAN FOR SINNESSJUKDOM) =Sign or Symptom =Symptoms and Complaints Component; PSYCHOLOGICAL
77. feline fibrosarcoma virus
[Species of GAMMARETROVIRUS isolated from fibrosarcoma in cats. The viruses are actually recombinant feline leukemia viruses (FeLV) where part of the genome has been replaced by cellular oncogenes. It is unique to individuals and not transmitted naturally to other cats. FeSVs are replication defective and require FeLV to reproduce. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0015764) =Virus ;
28. Fear of musculoskeletal cancer
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497545) (Fear of musculoskeletal cancer; MINBIZI OSTEOMUSKULARRARI BELDURRA; Frygt f kraeft i muskel-skelet syst; Angst v kanker bewegingsapparaat; SYOVAN PELKO; Peur cancer osteo-articulaire; Angst vor Krebs Bewegungsapparat; (108); felelem a raktol; Paura di un cancro; ENGSTEL KREFT I MUSKEL-SKJ-SYST; Medo de cancro musculoesqueletico; Miedo al cancer ap locomotor; FRUKTAN FOR CANCER) =Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction =musculoskeletal; Symptoms and Complaints Component
78. feline immunodeficiency virus
[lentivirus isolated from domestic cats with immunodeficiency syndrome; causes increased susceptibility of infected cats to secondary infections; used as a HIV infection model. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0079337) =Virus ;
29. Fear of other digestive disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497185) (Fear of other digestive disease; BESTE LISERI ERITASUN BATI BELDURRA; Frygt for anden fordojelsessygdom; Angst andere ziekte spijsvert org; RUOANSULATUSKANAVAN MUUN SAIRAUDEN PELKO; Peur autre maladie digestive; Angst sonst Erkr Verdauungstrakt; paxad mimaxala bedarxe haikul prat lesartan; felelem egyeb emeszto bet.-tol; Paura di altra malattia digestiva; ENGSTELIG FOR ANNEN FORDOY SYKDOM; Medo de outras doencas digestivas; Miedo a otras enf digestivas; FRUKTAN FOR ANNAN SJUKDOM I MATSMALTNINGSKANALEN) =Sign or Symptom ;
=Body System, Gastrointestinal; Symptoms and Complaints Component
79. feline infectious peritonitis virus
[A biotype of Feline coronavirus, morphologically indistinguishable from it. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0085305) =Virus
30. Fear of other disease NOS
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497138) (Fear of other disease NOS; BESTE ERITASUNEN BATI BELDURRA (EZ) (BIKG); Frygt for anden sygdom INA; Angst voor andere ziekte NAO; MUUN SAIRAUDEN PELKO NUD; Peur autre maladie NP; Angst vor sonstigen Erkrank NNB; paxad mimaxalot axerot; felelem egyeb,n. m. betegsegtol; Paura di altra malattia NSA; ENGSTELIG FOR ANNEN SYKDOM USPES; Medo de outras doencas NE; Miedo a otras enf NE; FRUKTAN FOR ANNAN SJUKDOM UNS) =Sign or Symptom =GENERAL AND UNSPECIFIED; Symptoms and Complaints Component
80. feline leukemia virus
[A species of GAMMARETROVIRUS causing leukemia, lymphosarcoma, immune deficiency, or other degenerative diseases in cats. Several cellular oncogenes confer on FeLV the ability to induce sarcomas (see also SARCOMA VIRUSES, FELINE). ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0015767) =Virus ;
31. Fear of other endo nutritional disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497399) (Fear of other endo nutritional disease; BESTE METABOLIKO EDO ELIKADURA ERITASUN BATI BELDURRA; Frygt f an endokr/metab/ernaer sgd; Angst and ziekte endo/metab/voed; MUU SISAERITYKSEEN TAI RAVITSEMUKSEEN LIITTYVA SAIRAUS; Peur autres maladies endocr nutrit; Angst sonst Stoffwechselerkrankung; paxad mehafraot metaboliot o endokriniot; felelem egyeb endocrin betegsegtol; Paura di altra mal endoc nutri; ENGST ENDOKR/METAB/ERNAER SYKDOM; Medo out doenca endoc metab nutric; Miedo a otras enf end metab nutr; FRUKTAN FOR ANNAN ENDOKRIN NUTRITIONELL SJUKDOM) =Sign or Symptom =ENDOCRINE, METABOLIC AND NUTRITIONAL; Symptoms and Complaints Component
81. feline leukemia/sarcoma virus
[feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline sarcoma virus (FeSV) are both species of gammaretrovirus; FeLV causes leukemia, lymphosarcoma, immune deficiency, or other degenerative diseases in cats; FeSV is a recombinant feline leukemia viruses where part of the genome has been replaced by cellular oncogenes, unique to individuals and not transmitted naturally to other cats; FeSVs are replication defective and require FeLV to reproduce. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0178634) =Virus =gammaretrovirus;
32. Fear of other genital disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497492) (Fear of other genital disease; BESTE ERITASUN GENITAL BATI BELDURRA; Frygt for anden genital sygdom; Angst and ziekten gesl org/borst; MUUN SUKUELINSAIRAUDEN PELKO; Peur d'une autre maladie genitale; Angst sonst Erkrank Genitale; paxad mimaxala axeret beevre hamin shel hagever; felelem egyeb nemiszervi bet.-tol; Paura di un'altra mal genitale; ENGST FOR ANNEN SYKD I GENITALIA; Medo de outra doenca genital; Miedo a padecer otras enf genit; FRUKTAN FOR ANNAN SJUKDOM I GENITALIA) =Sign or Symptom =Symptoms and Complaints Component; Body System, Reproductive, Male
82. feline panleukopenia virus
[A species of PARVOVIRUS infecting cats with a highly contagious enteric disease. Host range variants include mink enteritis virus, canine parvovirus (PARVOVIRUS, CANINE), and raccoon parvovirus. After infecting their new hosts, many of these viruses have further evolved and are now considered distinct species. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0205762) =Virus ;
33. Fear of other musculoskeletal disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497275) (Fear of other musculoskeletal disease; BESTE ERITASUN OSTEOMUSKULAR BATI BELDURRA; Frygt for an sgd i musk-ske syst; Angst v and ziekte bewegingsapp; MUUN TUKI- JA LIIKUNTAELINTEN SAIRAUDEN PELKO; Peur autre maladie osteo-artic; Angst sonst Erkrank Bewegungsapp; paxad mimaxala shel hamaarexet hamuskuloskeletalit; felelem mozgasszervi bet.-tol; Paura di un'altra mal muscoloschel; ENGSTEL ANNEN SYKD MUSKEL-SKJ + z71.1; Medo out doenca musculoesqueletica; Miedo otras enf musculoesq; FRUKTAN FOR ANNAN MUSKULOSKELETAL SJUKDOM) Fear of oth musculoskeletal dis =Sign or Symptom =musculoskeletal; Symptoms and Complaints Component
83. feline parvovirus
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0015766) =Virus ;
34. Fear of other neurological disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497296) (Fear of other neurological disease; BESTE ERITASUN NEUROLOGIKO BATI BELDURRA; Frygt for anden sygdom i nervesystem; Angst v andere ziekte zenuwstelsel; MUUN NEUROLOGISEN SAIRAUDEN PELKO; Peur autre maladie neurologique; Angst vor sonstigen neurolog Erkrank; paxad mimaxala prat lesartan bemaarexet haatzbim; felelem egyeb; Paura di altra malattia nervosa; ENGSTELIG FOR ANNEN SYKD NERVESYS; Medo de out doencas neurologicas; Miedo a otras enf sist nervioso; FRUKTAN FOR ANNAN NERVSJUKDOM) =Sign or Symptom =neurologic; Symptoms and Complaints Component
84. Feline Sarcoma Oncogene Gene
[This gene is involved in hematopoiesis and the maintenance of cellular transformation. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1414588) FES;
FES Gene =Gene or Genome
35. Fear of other respiratory disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497347) (Fear of other respiratory disease; BESTE ARNASKETA ERITASUN BATI BELDURRA; Frygt for anden luftvejssygdom; Angst v andere ziekte luchtwegen; MUU HENGITYSELINTEN SAIRAUDEN PELKO; Peur d'une autre mal respir; Angst vor sonst Erkrank Atmungsorg; paxad mimaxala axeret bedarxe haneshima; felelem egyeb; Paura di un'altra malattia respir; ENGSTELIG FOR ANNEN LUFTVEISSYKD; Medo de outra doenca respiratoria; Miedo a otras enf respiratorias; FRUKTAN FOR OVRIGA SJKD I ANDNINGSORGANEN) =Sign or Symptom =Symptoms and Complaints Component; Respiratory
85. feline syncytial virus
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0079338) =Virus ;
36. Fear of other urinary disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497416) (Fear of other urinary disease; BESTE GERNU ERITASUN BAT; Frygt for anden urinvejssygdom; Angst v andere ziekte urinewegen; MUUN VIRTSATIESAIRAUDEN PELKO; Peur d'une autre maladie urinaire; Angst sonstige Erkr Nieren/Harnwege; paxad mimaxala axeret prat lesartan bemaarexet hasheten; felelem urologiai betegsegtol; Paura di altra malattia urinaria; ENGSTELIG ANNEN URINVEISSYKDOM; Medo de outra doenca urinaria; Miedo a otras enf urinarias; FRUKTAN FOR ANNAN URINVAGSSJUKDOM) =Sign or Symptom =Urologic; Symptoms and Complaints Component
[A dihydropyridine calcium channel blocking agent. Felodipine inhibits the influx of extracellular calcium ions into myocardial and vascular smooth muscle cells, causing dilatation of the main coronary and systemic arteries and decreasing myocardial contractility. This agent also inhibits the drug efflux pump P-glycoprotein which is overexpressed in some multi-drug resistant tumors and may improve the efficacy of some antineoplastic agents. (NCI04) ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0015772) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance =[CV200] CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS;
37. Fear of sexual dysfunction in men
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497576) (Fear of sexual dysfunction in men; SEXU DISFUNTZIOARI BELDURRA; Frygt for sexuel dysfunkton; Angst v sexueel dysfunct; SEKSUAALISEN TOIMINTAHAIRION PELKO; Peur d'une dysfonction sexuelle; Angst vor sexuellem Versagen; paxad mixoser tifkud mini shel hagever; felelem szexualis zavartol; Paura di una disfunzione sessuale; ENGST FOR IKKE FUNG SEKSUELT; Medo de disfuncao sexual; Miedo a padecer disfuncion sex; FRUKTAN FOR SEXUELL DYSFUNKTION) =Mental Process =Symptoms and Complaints Component; Body System, Reproductive, Male
(UMLS (ICD9CM) C0152448) =Pathologic Function
38. Fear of sexual dysfunction in women
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497568) (Fear of sexual dysfunction in women; SEXU DISFUNTZIO BATI BELDURRA; Frygt for sexuel dysfunktion; Angst v sexueel dysfunct; SEKSUAALISEN TOIMINTAHAIRION PELKO; Peur d'une dysfonction sexuelle; Angst vor sexuellem Versagen; paxad mixoser tifkud mini shel haisha; felelem szexualis zavartol; Paura di una disfunzione sessuale; ENGST FOR SEKSUELL DYSFUNKSJON; Medo de disfuncao sexual; Miedo a disfunciones sexuales; FRUKTAN FOR SEXUELL DYSFUNKTION) =Mental Process =FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM (INCLUDING BREAST); Symptoms and Complaints Component
[A combination of rheumatoid arthritis, splenomegaly, leukopenia, pigmented spots on lower extremities, and other evidence of hypersplenism (anemia and thrombocytopenia). (From Dorland, 27th ed) ( MSH )] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0015773) =Disease or Syndrome ;
=Arthritis, Rheumatoid;
39. Fear of venereal disease in men
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497577) (Fear of venereal disease in men; SEXU GAITZ BATI BELDURRA; Frygt for konssygdom; Angst voor geslachtsziekte; SUKUPUOLITAUDIN PELKO; Peur mal venerienne; Angst vor Geschlechtskrankh; paxad mimaxalat min etzel gever; felelem nemibetegsegtol; Paura di una malattia venerea; ENGST FOR KJONNSSYKDOM; Medo de doenca venerea; Miedo a padecer una enf venerea; FRUKTAN FOR KONSSJUKDOM) =Mental Process =Symptoms and Complaints Component; Body System, Reproductive, Male
89. Felviten
(UMLS (NCI) C0809918) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance
40. Fear of venereal disease in women
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497567) (Fear of venereal disease in women; SEXU-GAITZ BATI BELDURRA (ESKL. SIDARI BELDURRA B25); Frygt for konssygdom; Angst voor geslachtsziekte; SUKUPUOLITAUDIN PELKO; Peur maladie sex transmise; Angst vor Geschlechtskrankh; paxad mimaxalat min etzel isha; felelem nemibetegsegtol; Paura di una mal venerea; ENGST FOR KJONNSSYKDOM; Medo de doenca venerea; Miedo a padecer una enf venerea; FRUKTAN FOR KONSSJUKDOM) =Mental Process ;
=FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM (INCLUDING BREAST); Symptoms and Complaints Component
(UMLS (ICD9CM) C1719681) Testing of female for genetic disease carrier status =Diagnostic Procedure
41. Fear other blood/lymph disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497160) (Fear other blood/lymph disease; ODOLEKO/LINFATIKOETAKO BESTE ERITASUNEN BATI BELDURRA; Frygt for anden blod/lymfe sygdom; Angst and ziekte bloed/lymfest; VEREN/VERTA MUODOSTAVIEN ELINTEN MUUN TAUDIN PELKO; Peur autre maladie sang/lymph; Angst vor sonst Erkr Blut/Lymphsyst; paxad mimaxalot dam axerot; felelem egyeb ver/nyirok bet.-tol; Paura di altra mal sangue/linf; ENGSTELIG ANDRE BLOD/LYMFE SYKD; Medo out doencas sangue/linfaticos; Miedo otra enf sangre/ganglio; FRUKTAN FOR ANNAN SJKD I BLOD/LYMFATISK VAVNAD) =Sign or Symptom =BLOOD, BLOOD FORMING ORGANS, LYMPHATICS, SPLEEN; Symptoms and Complaints Component
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0029797) =Disease or Syndrome; Anatomical Abnormality
42. Fear other disease circulatory system
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497239) (Fear other disease circulatory system; ZIRKULAZIO SISTEMAKO BESTE ERITASUN BATI BELDURRA; Frygt for anden kredslobssygdom; Angst and ziekte hartvaatstelsel; MUUN VERENKIERTOTAUDIN PELKO; Peur autre maladie circulation; Angst vor sonst Kreislauferkrank; paxad mimaxala kolshehi kardiovaskularit (prat lelev veyl"d); felelem egyeb sziv/; Paura di un'altra mal sistema circ; ENGSTEL ANDRE SYKD HJERTE-KAR-SYS; Medo de outras doencas ap circul; Miedo a otras enf del ap circ; FRUKTAN FOR ANNAN SJUKDOM I BLODCIRKULATIONSORGAN) =Sign or Symptom =CIRCULATORY; Symptoms and Complaints Component
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0269131) =Anatomical Abnormality
43. Fear other genital/breast disease
(UMLS (ICPC) C0497467) (Fear other genital/breast disease; BESTE GENITAL EDO UGATZ ERITASUN BATI BELDURRA; Frygt for an sgd underliv/bryster; Angst and ziekten gesl org/borst; MUUN SUKUELINTEN/RINTARAUHASEN SAIRAUDEN PELKO; Peur autre mal genit/sein; Angst sonst Erkrank Genitale/Brust; (108); felelem egyeb genit/mell bet.-tol; Paura di un'altra mal genit/mamm; ENGST ANDRE SYKD UNDERLIV/BRYST; Medo de outra doenca genital/mama; Miedo a otras enf genit/mama; FRUKTAN FOR ANNAN BROST/GENITALSJUKDOM) =Sign or Symptom =FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM (INCLUDING BREAST); Symptoms and Complaints Component
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C1719551) Other female genital mutilation status =Finding
44. feather star
[ ] (UMLS (CSP) C0598343) =Invertebrate
(UMLS (ICD9CM) C0156402) =Sign or Symptom
(UMLS (NCI) C0060128) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0041889) =Sign or Symptom ;
46. Febarbamate
(UMLS (NCI) C0060130) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0029807) =Disease or Syndrome
47. Febrile convulsions (simple), unspecified
[seizures that occur during a fever; a common condition, affecting 2-5% of children aged 3 months to five years; majority are simple febrile seizures (generally defined as generalized onset, single seizures with a duration of less than 30 minutes); complex febrile seizures are characterized by focal onset, duration greater than 30 minutes, and/or more than one seizure in a 24 hour period. ( CSP )] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0009952) =Disease or Syndrome ;
[ ] (UMLS (ICD9CM) C0375384) =Acquired Abnormality
48. Febrile Neutropenia
(UMLS (NCI) C0746883) Neutropenic Fever;
=Disease or Syndrome
(UMLS (ICD9CM) C0038437) =Disease or Syndrome
49. Febuprol
(UMLS (NCI) C0060132) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance
99. female antifertility drug
[agent administered to females that diminishes the likelihood of or prevents conception. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0009873) =Pharmacologic Substance =contraceptive;
=postcoital contraceptive;
50. Febuxostat
(UMLS (NCI) C0249529) =Organic Chemical; Pharmacologic Substance ;
100. Female Breast
[The organ of milk secretion; one of two hemispheric projections of variable size situated in the subcutaneous layer over the pectoralis major muscle on either side of the chest of the mature female; it is rudimentary in the male. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0222603) =Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component

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