- 1. ego
- [The conscious portion of the personality structure which serves to mediate between the demands of the primitive instinctual drives, (the id), of internalized parental and social prohibitions or the conscience, (the superego), and of reality. ( MSH )] (UMLS (CSP) C0013712) =Idea or Concept ;
| - 3. ego/superego/id
- [ego is component of the personality structure which is the self, or the "I" which the individual experiences as oneself; the id is the component which harbors the unconscious instinctive desires and strivings of the individual; the superego is component associated with ethics, standards, and self-criticism - the "conscience", derived mainly from identification with parents and parent substitutes. ( CSP )] (UMLS (CSP) C0178609) =Mental Process =personality;