- 1. TFE3
- [Ubiquitously expressed by human TFE3 Gene (bHLH Family), 743-aa 80-kDa nuclear Transcription Factor Binding to IGHM Enhancer 3 contains an activation domain, leucine zipper, and bHLH domain and binds to the Ig heavy-chain enchancer MUE3 motif and to the USF/MLTF site. Efficient DNA binding requires dimerization with another bHLH protein. TFE3 is involved in papillary renal cell carcinoma through chromosomal translocations t(X;1)(p11.2;q21.2) which involves PRCC; t(X;1)(p11.2;p34) which involves PSF, and Inv(X)(p11.2;q12) which involves NONO. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C0145464) =Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein; Biologically Active Substance ;
| - 2. TFE3
- [This gene plays a role in transcriptional activation. It is involved in melanogenesis. ( NCI )] (UMLS (NCI) C1336608) TFE3 Gene;
Transcription Factor Binding to IGHM Enhancer 3 Gene =Gene or Genome ; |